What they do when you're sad

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~I'd love if you guys would give me some requests for this because I'm running out of ideas and I don't wanna discontinue this! but I'm thinking of one when they react when you die. Would you guys wanna see that? Also, I got this idea from a One Direction preference on Tumblr.~

Pacifica: She immediately notices the tears in your eyes and wraps her arms around you protectively, leading you both to sit down on the chair in the living room. All she has to say is, "Whats wrong love?" and you'd confess your soul. You tell her all about your argument with your best friend, and she just listens, no interruptions, with her arm wrapped safely around you. Just being able to get it off your chest makes you feel better. "I think you should leave it for a few days and then call her/him/them." She suggests once you've finished. "It won't help anyone trying to talk things out when you're both angry and upset,". You smile slightly, leaning into her embrace, feeling instantly better - a problem shared after all.

Dipper: You never have to say anything when you're sad, Dipper just, knows. "You want to talk about it?" he asks, squeezing your hand gently. You shake your head, and he nods, understanding, as he gets up and leaves. Moments later he's back with a tub of ice cream and two spoons. The two of you chow down, watching some kind of comedy film. You're not really into it, but Dippers smile and chuckles is infectious, and it's not long before you start to feel better.

Mabel: She doesn't let you stay put and be moody over it. "Come on," she grins, throwing you your coat. "There's like a mini fun fair in the park,". You raise an eyebrow, "I thought we were meant to be adults now?". "Don't worry sugar," she smirks, "I'll hold your hand on the merry-go-round," you laugh, following her out the door. Turns out the two of you are too big to go on any of the rides - Mabel even got into a massive argument with one of the ride owners, turns out he really wanted to go on the merry-go-round. Not even a hundred dollar bill could get you two in. Instead, the two of you spend the rest of the afternoon wandering around the fair and park, feeding each other bits of candy. You were well and truly distracted.

Will: Will wraps an arm around you as a tear slides down your cheek. "I wish you could have met her/them." you mumble. "She/They would have loved you. Why did she/They have to go and die?" "H-Hey?" he pulls you into a tight embrace, holding you together, "Y-You shouldn't think like that. You s-s-should remember a-all the good times with h-her/Them." You laugh lightly through your tears, "I know. She'd/They'd be annoyed at me right now - don't go wasting your tears over me." you mimic, wiping your cheeks, "She'd/They'd tell me to stop being daft." "W-Well you best listen to your Nana then," Will teases, pressing his lips gently to your forehead, "W-We'll go get her some flowers, and t-t-then we'll just have a d-day doing nothing yeah? Cuddle on the s-sofa and watch some f-films?". You smile, "I'd like that,". Will's genuine kindness never failed to make you smile.

Gideon: It was the anniversary of your dogs death. You layed down in bed just feeling empty. Two years ago on this day your dear dog, (Y/D/N), died tragically. And since you were in Gravity Falls, you couldn't say goodbye. Gideon the kicked the door open with a cupcake in his hand. "Okay, stop being sad and eat this and get better! I hate it when you're sad." He walked over and handed it to you. You smiled knowing that he made it because the frosting was sloppy and some got on your fingers. When you looked up at Gideon, you saw flour dumped on his head. "Gideon! what happened down there?" You asked. He chuckled and sighed. "Me, Scarlett, and Dipper were arguing about what to make and Dipper dumped flour on me, and Scarlett cracked an egg on Dipper. . .basically in was like World War two downstairs between the three of us, except with food." You laughed at his and your friends dorky-ness. Dipper and Scarlett came up to the door covered in food from head to toe. Dipper sighed and Scarlett laughed at his state. Gideon smiled knowing you were smiling and you felt better the rest of the day.

Scarlett: You hadn't been yourself for the past few days, stressed out over your increasing workload. Scarlett had joked and pranked, trying to cheer you up, but you weren't really in the mood for laughing. That evening you're sat on the couch, head in your hands trying your hardest not to cry. "She's got a lip ring and five colors in her hair," someone sings behind you, and you instantly turn around to find Scarlett, singing one of your favorite 'I'm having a bad day' songs. It's not long before you join in, the effects of the cheery tune rubbing off on you. That soon turns to you two dancing wildly around the house, singing at the top of your lungs, not a care in the world.

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