1. Drinking Alone with the Moon - Li Bai

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About poet- Li Bai, (李白, 701-762) also known as Li Po, was arguably the greatest poet of China's Tang dynasty, and possibly of all its history. His verse is notable for the strong voice and personality it reflects, uncommon in the 8th century. An accomplished martial artist, Taoist and academic genius, Li Bai was also a great lover of wine, becoming a member of the "Six Idlers of the Bamboo Brook", an informal group dedicated to literature and drinking. It was the custom of the time to indulge socially, so the following poem-one of his most famous pieces-explores the unusual problem of drinking alone, for which Li Bai finds an uncommon solution.


Among the blossoms waits a jug of wine.
I pour myself a drink, no loved one near.
Raising my cup, I invite the bright moon
and turn to my shadow. We are now three.
But the moon doesn't understand drinking,
and my shadow follows my body like a slave.
For a time moon and shadow will be my companions,
a passing joy that should last through the spring.
I sing and the moon just wavers in the sky;
I dance and my shadow whips around like mad.
While lucid still, we have such fun together!
But stumbling drunk, each staggers off alone.
Bound forever, relentless we roam:
reunited at last on the distant river of stars.

-translated by David Bowles
April 20, 2014
(* I like this translation more)

Original Chinese-



Another translation-

From a pot of wine among the flowers
I drank alone. There was no one with me --
Till raising my cup, I ask the bright moon
To bring me my shadow and make us three.
Alas, the moon was unable to drink
And my shadow tagged me vacantly;
But still for a while I had these friends
To cheer me through the end of spring....
I sang. The moon encouraged me
I danced. My shadow tumbled after.
As long as I knew, we were born companions.
And then I was drunk, and we lost one another.
....Shall goodwill ever be secure?
I watch the long road of the River of Stars.

Critical Analysis:

"Drinking Alone with The Moon" encompasses several of the characteristics that define Li Po. As a devotee to nature, wine, solitude and humor, Li Po reveals much of himself in this poem. Thus the importance of this poem to understanding his other works and ancient Taoism is apparent.

"From a pot of wine among the flowers
I drank alone. There was no one with me -"

This statement I would take very literally. This poem shows a progression from realistic into the imaginative and from sober state to drunk. The flow of this poem tells more of a story than just setting and looking at the moon while drinking wine. Notice the slight change in tone of the next lines:

"Till raising my cup, I ask the bright moon
To bring me my shadow and make us three."

Now we start to see Li Po's imaginative wit and the involvement of the wine in this scheme. He does not seem to be drunk yet, but he certainly expects to be, in fact drunkenness is his goal. His playful treatment of nature at this point is unmistakable. He asks the moon to give him his shadow? This is an unrealistic request, but as a poet I must appreciate the metaphor and the use of words. This is what makes Li Po one of the most celebrated poets of Chinese history. Does he expect this of the moon? Of course not, he is insinuating the moon as a companion and partner in this quest for the surreal. For Li Po this would be perfectly natural as all things are mutual in Taoism.

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