Odin's News

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It was summer. You could hear a gentle sway of the leaves outside from the window in your bedroom within the palace. The room was hot, humid and sticky. You sat up on the bed and sunk backwards on to the pillow, resting your book of Asgardian Wildlife on your lap. Thinking to yourself, you missed big gatherings and parties that were held almost every weekend in the palace when Thor was around, you never met the man and certainly did not hear great things about him other than his battle victories, silky smooth hair and his rustic beard... and his toned, well defined body and bolder sized biceps. Other than that, ye have never spoken and he has never looked or acknowledged you. Loki on the other hand, he was never seen around the palace and was rarely at parties. Thats what you thougth anyway. You never exaclty looked for his presesnce so you were quite unsure to be honest. No one knows much about him despite he's Thors brother.

Thor, Loki and his warriors were away for the last 7 months in one of the Realms fighting, it was a regular occurance and you began to lose interest in what was going on. You always heard the battle news and gossip through one of the maids or Odin anyway.

There was a light knock on the door and a maid walked in holding fresh white bed sheets. You knew that meant to leap off the bed and wander about palace as the maid cleaned your room and set the new bed sheets down. You got down from the bed and greeted the maid with a smile "morning Clio", she returned the smile "You're up early today miss" she responded as she stripped the bed.

You tucked your book under your arm "Yes, it is quite strange being up this early. It was like a sauna in here last night" you laughed while heading out the door. Clio giggled in response before you closed the door behind you. The hall near your room was busy with people and their voices echoing.

Your stomach was howling like crazy and you were certain the group of people down the hall heard it rumble as they stopped chatting and looked your direction. Fuck. You turned around quickly to face the opposite direction, facing your back to them as you knew your face was turning blood red. You ignored the sniggers that echoed behind you and decided to head the longer route to the dining room.

This route was more scenic, there was tall windows that touched the floor and reached the high ceilings that surrounded you with rays of golden sunshine beaming down lighting up the hall. You lived here in the palace as long as you could remember, your father was one of the great warriors and fought alongside Odin but died in combat when you were 5 years old. It has been 18 years now and your 23rd birthday was nearing. Birthdays were something you and your mother never celebrated.

Your chest started to tighten and your heart started to pound. You haven't spoken to your mother in years, since your fathers death. You knew it was due to her depression and as a result shut you out. The older you got the more your roles swapped and you became her mother instead.

You were the one out looking for her after midnight, you were the one dragging her away from strange older men, you were the one sobering her up in the bathrooms and you are the one who ended up resenting her. On your 18th birthday, your mother verbally told you that she doesn't want you to be associated with her. That was the day when she disowned you. She disappeared from your life on your 18th and you went searching and asking around for her for 2 years.

You fought back the tears that started to form. Your search for her stopped due to a meeting you had with Odin. It was then when Odin informed you that it was more than likely that your mother was dead. The conversation with Odin was blunt, bitter and cold and was an event you could never wash away no matter how hard you tried and your tried hard. You attempted everything in the book but nothing worked.

* * *

You reached the dining room, thankfully the dark oak doors were closed which meant you had time to wipe away the streams on your face and straighten out your dress. You exhaled loudly and entered.

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