Guilty Pleasure

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Chapter Text
"I believe this belongs to you?" His voice was like silk causing your stomach to churn violently.

You stood from around the corner, eyes clenched with your hands gripping your stomach hoping to calm it down before turning around and facing your nightmare. After a few seconds, you slowly walked out and saw Loki leaning against the wall, book in hand making it tiny in comparison to his fist. You stood there admiring his physique. Loki was tall, broad and strong. His black hair wet from sweat sticking to his forehead glistening in the sunshine. He was nothing like you imagined.

you took a few breaths before replying. "Yes, sir, that is my book" you squeaked hoping to sound confident.

Loki looked at you, his eyes were cold, empty with no signs of life and it caused goosebumps to speckle around your body making you jolt. The end of Loki's lip curled for a second before returning to its natural form of a straight line. He stepped forward, closing the gap between ye, his eyes fixated on your lips and his empty eyes suddenly sparked with hunger. The sudden movement caused your heart to beat erratically in your chest and you stepped back to find yourself against the wall. Loki stopped walking when there were only feet between ye. His eyes were wide, wild, and speckled with green. You felt as if you were suffocating and being strangled in the heat causing you to take sharp breaths. Loki's eyes were now consuming your body and hungrily scanning over you repeatedly.

Loki's eyes snapped and locked with yours causing your body to tremble along with confusion swimming in your head. His pink plump lips opened to speak but instead his tongue licked his lips and his fingers firmly grasped the book. Your knees began to wobble as you were unsure as to what was going to happen. Loki quickly noticed the erratic movement of your knees and took a step back inhaling deeply and closing his eyes. You leaned back against the wall frozen.

A second later Loki's eyes flicked open looking emotionless. He swung his arm and threw the book towards you causing it to slam against your chest. You winced in pain huddled over as the book hit the floor. Humiliation and anger flashed through you as you saw Loki stride away.

Anger was lingering in your veins causing you to step on your book and slide it at Loki making sure it tapped the back of his boots. "That is no manners of a prince!" you spat as your fists balled up. Loki stopped in his tracks. The palace was deadly quiet. The only thing you could hear was Loki's boots thundering in the hall towards you and in one swift movement his fingers were wrapped around your neck and his face inches from yours. Heat radiated from his body causing your dress to seep with sweat sticking to your body. Your stomach was now violently jumping and clenching causing severe cramps.

"I'm not like any other prince" Loki hissed into your ear. His fingers slowly tightening around your throat.

You grabbed his wrist and attempted to pull him of your throat but failed as this only enticed him more.

You could feel Loki press your book into your stomach as his grip on your throat increased. His eyes wilder than before.

His grip on your throat was worsening and you were struggling to breath, hot tears started to stream down your face stinging your cheeks. "P-please Let g-" before you could finish your sentence Loki released his grasp and you fell to the floor gasping for air while you attempted to sooth your throat with your hand you looked up through your blurry vision to see Loki walking away.

You sat back against the wall inhaling and exhaling slowly, allowing the now cold air to heal your lungs. The hall was spinning circles around you making your stomach weak. You fought back the urge to vomit and focused on your shoes in hopes to slow the spinning down.

Moments later after the spinning ceased you slowly stood back up and leaned back against the wall wiping the sweat of your head with your sleeve. Your eyes searched the area to see if you had any witnesses of the assault but there was not a single soul in sight. You could feel your body drop as sadness flooded you. There was no point telling anyone that Loki attacked you in the hall almost strangling you to death. You had no proof of the assault, although you are pretty sure there was a red raw handprint circulating your neck, but that could of been any ones hand print on you. You sighed heavily and pulled you dress up from your sweat soaked skin and fixed your hair back into the bun before scurrying back to your bedroom.

On the way over you stepped on an object and stumbled over, you turn around to find your book on the floor...exactly in the same spot from where it hit off Loki's boots. as you picked up the book from the floor, a sudden flash of heat dispersed around your body as you realise that it wasn't the book pressing into you at all..

You shook your head furiosly in denial. It must have been his fist pressing into you or perhaps his belt buckle? You weren't sure if he even had a belt on.. You started to question what it could of been. There was no way it was Loki's dick. You had no idea dicks could feel that large. You had sex plenty of times but never been shocked by the size of other mens dicks. But the thought of Loki's made you... curious and angry.

The journey over to your bedroom, you tricked yourself in to thinking that the hard object pressed against you was in fact Loki's knives. You did not want to think that Loki found choking you arousing. How could anyone find a red puffed face, raw bulging eyes and pleading for life to be seductive. Only an animal would find that level of harassment sexual. Rage overtook you as you felt objectified. It was not your intention to arouse Loki.


You stared at your reflection in the mirror in your room, gently patting Loki's handprint on your throat with a damp towel with hopes of reducing the redness before the party tomorrow. You were still in disbelief. You regretted your actions. Sitting on the bed you replayed the whole scenario, cringing at what you said. What Loki did to you was awful, there was no denying it.. it taught you to not speak out of turn especially to royalty.

You walked in to the bathroom and sunk in to cold water in the bath. You needed to cool down. The cold water electrified your skin sending shocks through the nerves in your body, you hummed in response. Finally able to relax you sunk deeper into the bath, resting your head back against the edge.

The party was tomorrow. It was nerving knowing Loki might be there. Even if he was there it should not matter as you had Xavier and Jove by your side to save you from any inappropriate shenanigans.

The thought of Xavier saving you from Loki was arousing. Leaning back against the bath you imagined Loki grabbing your arm and dragging you away from the party and Xavier running up to help. Your cunt aches at the thought sending thrills in your stomach. The image of Xavier's muscles flexing was intoxicating. You slid your hand down your body and rested it over your throbbing clit. Slowing circulating around your g-spot, teasing yourself. Your breathing started to hitch as you flicked your clit. Heart pounding you needed to find your release. fast.

You sunk your fingers into you wet slit, moaning as your fingers curled hitting your sweet spot. Your free hand quickly released the ache in your clit, vigorously rubbing it as you buried your digits further into yourself. Simultaneously creating a rhythm that was too much to handle, your hips started to buck as you picked up the speed, desperately looking for your release. Moans slipping out of you echoing in the bathroom as you finally hit the spot. Your heart beated erratically sending earth shattering sensations rippling through body as you clenched around your own digits. Sending waves of pleasure causing your toes to curl as you cursed "Loki" out loud.

It took a few minutes for your body to recover. You sat up in the now warm water, humiliation and guilt hung in you. What the fuck. You had no idea why you cursed Loki's name throughout your climax. A loud sigh escaped you lips. You needed to avoid this man at all costs, there was something dangerous yet alluring about him that you did not like. You needed to focus on Xavier, he would never talk down to you or even dare to put his hands on you! Shame started to drown you and you really wish it was the water that did instead.

You dried yourself off with a fluffy towel when you stepped out of the bath and slipped your night dress over yourself. At the party tomorrow it will be your aim to be the most attractive woman there. You needed Xavier, if he even liked you, to take your mind off Loki. You needed to explore Xavier and allow him to show you why you need to curse his name for next time you masturbate.


Hey guys!

Hope you enjoyed the second chapter! Thank you for the Kudos in the first one! It really means alot <3
Lmao I never wrote a spicy chapter before so if anyone has any comments on it let me know! Always room for improvement.
The third chapter should be out next week so hope you come back to read some more!

Thanks again for reading ^-^

~Darkdarling x

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