Bad manners

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The palace was quiet, eerie quiet for the last few days. Your thoughts were loud in your head, you were able to think clearly during lunch as only a few people were eating in the dining hall. For the first time in a while, you were relaxed knowing Loki was away. Lokis absence meant you were able to walk about the palace in peace, eat in peace and lastly, sleep in complete peace.

This morning, you didn't even hear Clio come into your bedroom and fill up your bath with water. Ever since Lokis's visit, you lied awake at night. Stress and guilt eating you up.

You stared down at your plate, the croissant looked appetizing but you weren't hungry, it was suppressed. Nervous and anxious about Xavier. You weren't sure rather tell him about Loki. Xavier and yourself aren't even in a relationship... Neither were you or Loki, How do you explain that? Plus Loki is a god. There's nothing Xavier could do. Although Loki gave you the most intense orgasm of your life, it was still unwanted and wrong. He is attractive you admitted to yourself but that doesn't make any of this right. You sighed loudly and pushed your plate away.

Thor is just as bad as Loki, Both of the brothers are cruel in their way, you suspect they learned it from Odin who is just as bad as the brothers combined. Odin is cold like Loki while also selfish and self-absorbed like Thor. Shame tingled through you as you never actually spoke to Thor so your opinion is only based on rumors and others' opinions.

The dining hall soon emptied and it was only yourself and your thoughts alone for once. Being alone you enjoyed but being alone with your thoughts for a long period you did not enjoy as it would eventually turn dark and start to overthink every small thing. It was sunny outside, people were outside soaking in the sun. You decided to distract yourself and also lie in the sun.

The warm breeze was soothing and not a cloud in the sky could be seen. You laid your blanket out by the stream where you can be alone yet hear people joke and laugh. Closing your eyes you tried to drift into a light sleep, focusing on the running water and the faint chatter in the background. You were drifting asleep until you heard feet closing in on you.

"Miss" Clio's face flushed pink and she was panting hard.

"Clio? Are you alright?"

"The trainees are back miss"

Your heart skipped a beat before Clio finished her sentence and stress suffocated you. Slowly getting up, you made sure Clio calmed down before you headed towards the palace to see Xavier and Jove, hopefully not bumping into Loki. But right now, you couldn't care less about Loki, you needed to see if your friends are okay.

From a distance, you could see some men walking by foot and others by horse heading towards the palace back gates. You assumed they were heading to the large empty hall to drop their gear and get some food. You paced towards that direction, walking behind the crowd of people who probably had the same plan as you. The crowd ahead of you ambled, very, very slowly. You needed to get there quick but it was nearly impossible to overtake the herd of bodies. You couldn't tell if everything was actually in slow motion or if you were high on adrenaline and it bothered you big time as you were slowly losing patience. Back of the queue, you had no choice but to match their slow pace, huffing as you did.

You knew you were close to the hall when you looked up and saw the high arched doorway at the end of the corridor. Standing at the entrance of the hall you scanned the room, looking for a familiar face. Your heart sinks as all the men were covered in mud or maybe it was old blood, you weren't sure but it defiantly smelt metallic in the room. You could hear loud clunks and thumps as the men dropped their gear onto the floor which defiantly left cracks on the tiles.

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