The Deal.

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This is long boi, I'm sorry. I couldn't stop writing. I had to edit and edit this chapter to shorten it so apologies! It took a few days until I was happy with it! I really hope you like it!


"Fuck!" your voice wobbled as you abruptly sat upon your bed, sweat soaking into the bedsheets as you wiped your forehead with your hand.

You must have fallen asleep as soon you hit the bed after walking out on Loki last night. Thankfully. You wouldn't have been able to bear the awkwardness of it; him leaving your chambers after your agreement.

It was bright and warm outside and the sky had swirls of white fluffy clouds in it and the sun peaked through. Hopefully, today will go okay...

The agreement. Fuck. Why the hell did you agree to it? Thinking back, you really had no choice... Thyra desperately wants to be with Loki and you said you would help her. Stupidly. But, it wasn't entirely your fault. She asked you when you were at your lowest point... She comforted you, made you feel better after you opened up to her? Was it coincidental she asked for your help? Knowing you would thank her in some way?

Shaking your head, you would like to think not. You know yourself from day one that she had been interested in Loki, and from her perspective, you are kinda seeing Thor. So you able to brush the Thyra issue to the side. For now.

But, Loki. Yeah, he is the God of mischief... Maybe that's why he wants you to ignore Thor when he arrives? An eye for an eye? If he is going to be through agony, being with someone he doesn't want to be with, you bet he will make sure you are too. He does love causing chaos and mayhem. It all makes sense... kinda?

Huffing loudly, you turned your body to the edge of the bed and planted your feet onto the floor. Your mind racing, you needed to come up with a plan for the double date... Where you act like you don't have any interest in Thor? The whole idea of it made your body tense.

Loki is an asshole.

What would happen if you just, didn't do any of that? Just acted normal around Thor? The only stopping you from doing that is Loki and the consequence you would face...



After getting dressed, you weren't sure who was going to be by your side today, Thor or Loki, and you weren't sure who you'd prefer outside your door. Twisting the handle, pulling in forward, you held your breath, heart pounding, to reveal there was no one there... Strange. Did both men just forget about you? Or miscommunicated? At least you had time alone. You feel safe now, confident to wander alone. You don't need them.

You stood in the hallway after you closed the door. Unsure what to do, or, where to go. This is the first time in a while you were able to make your own decision. But from the distance, you could hear someone call your name...

Thyra walked towards you from the of the hall, gleaming.

"Oh, I'm glad I just caught you" she smiled as she neared.

Curiosity swarming you "Morning Thyra, I was just heading to get some breakfast"

"Great, ill join you," she said as she walked beside you.

She didn't say much more, but her presence made you less anxious.

"So..." Thyras said to break the silence "Are you looking forward to seeing Thor tonight? at the double date?"

Delicate, Devious and Daunting. | Loki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now