A Celebratory Meal

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Every inch of your body ached but not as much as it did on the inside. Your muscles and limbs are weak, your cervix cramps sharply and your clit throbbed painfully. You stood in front of the mirror after your bath and you analysed your body 2 days after Loki's punishment. The bruising that circled your wrist and thighs was not as dark as you deemed it but you couldn't say the same on the inside. Deep down, you know your cervix is black and blue as carrying out small tasks is excruciating.

As you dried off you threw on your lilac robe, it was your favourite as it had delicate frills on the hem and lilac made your eyes pop. News has circulated that Thor, Loki, and the warriors 3 have left to Alfheim regarding some frost giants... That sounds very familiar but you couldn't put your finger on why.

You decided to make use of Loki's absence and visit the library. Reading is something you thoroughly enjoyed and wish to do more off. Leaving your chambers you walked to your destination, but it was different. You felt calm knowing once again you can stroll about the palace without being preyed on. Smiling softly happiness radiated off you.

Opening the library doors the silence in the room was soothing, it is exactly what you needed. Walking down the isles you observed the area. The bookshelves soared towards the high ceilings and disappeared. You couldn't understand why they were that tall it is a tad bit pointless. The room was bright and well-lit due to all the tall windows that allowed natural light to shine through.

Walking along the shelves, you searched for 'Austen', observing closely as there were a million authors called Austen. No Jane Austen on its row, sighing you crouched down and continued to search, hugging your knees and moving to the side as you strained your eye looking at the tiny writing. Quickly moving along you bumped into a figure which was followed by a small jump.

"wow" whispered the man.

Standing up you go to apologise when you were faced with Xavier. Instead, you rolled your eyes and walked by him and continued to look for 'Jane Austen'.

"Can we talk, please" he whispers.

The tone of desperation in his voice sent chills down your spine. You glance back at him and saw that he was starring at you holding his book firmly in his hand.

You nodded and strolled back to him, this better be good.

"what?" you whispered cooly. You wanted to act as if this whole thing between ye didn't phase you.

"I- I need to apologise, properly to you. I was an ass, I should have handled everything better. I should have spoken to you privately in a better setting. I am sorry. Jove, I and you had a great friendship... It sucks how everything is..."

"Yeah, you were a bit of an asshole but it's fine now. Don't dwell on it".

Xavier smiled softly for a second and opened his mouth to speak but hesitated...

"What..?" you asked

"I just need to know something.."

"Okay..." The pit of your stomach started to tighten with anticipation.

"Are y-you, is Thor courting you?" Xavier asked quickly.

Your blood boiled at his question.

"You have no right to ask such a thing" you whispered harshly. The truth is, you have no idea. You had one date with him.

"I'm sorry, I Just... gossip spreads and if it were true, my parents have deemed you fit for me.." his voice was barely a whisper.

Your heart raced in your chest as anger consumed you. You have never been belittled in your life.

Delicate, Devious and Daunting. | Loki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now