IV- The Past

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His footsteps echoed throughout the long halls of the castle along with the laughs of the group of guards.

However the jolly and light atmosphere was soon interrupted.

"Euthymius!" He heard Sulspicia call sadly and within seconds she was before him. "Come to the Throne room, please."

He nodded, following her orders as he sped towards the Throne Room, forgetting the laughter and entering the official guard persona, assuming it was probably a trial again.

Without hesitation he entered the Throne Room, his demeanor changing into a confused one as he spotted Marcus sitting there looking stoic as stone, which was unusual since the male was practically with a smile in his face all the time, except on missions. Caius was glancing between him and his brother a pitiful expression on him as his older brother dry sobbed.

Immediately, Euthymius hurried towards his brother kneeling beside him and placing his arm around his shoulder.

"What happened?" He asked softly as he rubbed the back of the shorter male.

"Didyme." He let out as tears that would never fall reached his red eyes and he grazed into his brothers eyes. "The Romanians they invaded the castle, and.." He stopped as his cries got louder.

"And what?" He questioned desperately worried for his sister, although he feared he already knew the answer.

"They killed her, Euthymius." Caius said from behind them his voice fading at the end of the so feared sentence.

His mood fell as he stood up abruptly, his undead heart seemed to stop all over again. "That's impossible. How could they break into the castle? We have guards all over the place!"

"They jumped through the garden wall, Didyme was alone that night there was no one to help her." The blond king stated weakly. "Jane found her while she burned and saw the Romanians with the torch in their hand."

His knees gave out underneath him as grabbed the armrest of the throne which belonged to his brother.

The piece of wood broke and he gripped his clothes next to his unbeating heart feeling it tightening on his chest as his eyes were widening in disbelief, his lips open as he breathed in unnecessary breaths.

After that day he went into a killing fest for centuries, feeding off the fear and pain of the others imagining the Romanians in every victim, even though he didn't actually know how they looked like for he was away during their mission in Romania.

Yet life hadn't gotten enough of suffering from him deciding to have him mated to the ones condemned for the murder of his sister.


Hello guys! Sorry about the fact that this Chapter isn't actually the battle one, but I wanted you to get to know Euthymius character more and to give and insight into what turned him into what he is in the present.
Until the battle!
The Author.


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