Chapter IV: Convergence

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Poe took his holo-call in the privacy of a storage room. General Leia's face was a portrait in blue as she filled him in on what new intel she had gathered.

"Maz got in touch again. Your contact has arrived on Takodana. She's a member of House Ordell. And seeing as there are only three members of that house remaining, I'm assuming it's the young princess, Calista." Leia's face lit up in a half-smile as she remembered something. "I met her once. When she was just a child. She was so shy, unlike her mother. Always clinging to the coattails of the Admiral like he was some boulder keeping her from being swept away." She lifted her head, focus back on Poe.

Poe shook his head when he realised she was waiting for some form of confirmation that he knew about what she was speaking of. The name didn't ring any bells.

Leia explained further, "They're royalty. They govern over a small planet situated close to the Outer Rim. Thesmora." She said the planets name as though it would mean something to him, but Poe simply ran a hand through his hair and shrugged with indifference. The General huffed at him.

"It's a big galaxy," he defended himself.

"Indeed it is," she replied matter-of-factly. "It used to be a beacon of neutrality within the galaxy. However, Thesmora has fallen to infighting. Not much noise has been made about it considering how much confusion and fear the galaxy is in after the First Order fired their superweapon. Their skirmish has gone relatively unnoticed."

"Maybe the people simply wanted to govern themselves?"

"No, I knew the late queen. We didn't agree on much and she was as stubborn as a mule, but her subjects adored her. More importantly, she would have proven to be a great ally..." Something bothered Leia, the lines on her face becoming more prominent as she furrowed her brow in thought. "It's curious. News of her death came to me around the same time I received correspondence from her. It can't be a coincidence. "

Poe lingered for a while, feet kicking the air.

"Speak your mind Commander," Leia urged, having noticed his reaction.

"Are you sure this was all worth it?" He slumped onto a box, a sigh escaping his lips. "I don't doubt your reasons for sending me on this mission. I just can't help but wonder if I was the right choice. I'm trying to see things your way, but I'm flying blind here. And that's the worst feeling for a pilot to have. Especially the pilot you chose to lead this expedition."

"You're afraid it will all turn out to be a waste of time," she said as if she had the power to read his thoughts. "Have faith, Commander. I had sensed something before Maz had contacted me. She felt it too. And now we discover that a potentially powerful ally is in need of assistance... Call it fate or coincidence, matters not. What matters is that the Resistance is hobbling on one leg as it is. If we hope to survive, we have to be willing to take risks. Even if those risks seem to be fools' errands."

"Those are large hopes to place on a princess of a homeworld that is currently too busy fighting its own war to care about the one being waged against the entire galaxy, General."

"I suppose we'll just have to wait and see."

"And my orders?" he asked.

"I am transferring a data packet to your terminal. Hand it to the princess. And only the princess. It's time we took direct action."

The terminal stopped the projection and Poe was left alone with his thoughts. Then he heard Paige call him over his terminal, "Uh, hotshot, mind coming back down here. I've gotta pull us out of hyperspeed and I'm afraid I might rip us to shreds if I accidentally press the wrong button."

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