CODEX: The Nobilium

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The Houses of the Nobilium

Each House of the Nobilium has ties to the ancient tribal system of governance that existed before the unification of all tribes under one flag and throne. The House names are derived from the names of certain tribes or a tribe's place of settlement.

House Ordell: gets its name from the ancient 'sky' city known as Ordvillium. The city used to rest atop artificially constructed stilts above the Shallow Sea, hence why it is called a sky city. Most of it was destroyed by an earthquake nearly a millennia before Queen Lenora's administration, the separating of tectonic plates forced most of the city to become submerged underwater. It is now one of the largest archaeological digs in Thesmora. Ordvillium was one of many cities built by an ancient race called the Constructors. They were the original inhabitants of the planet before they were wiped out (from unknown causes) aeons before Ordvillium fell. Despite House Ordell getting its name from the Sky City, there is no concrete evidence to suggest that any members of the house are direct descendants of the ancient Constructors. By default, after the death of Queen Lenora, House Ordell's next matriarch is Princess Calista.

House Kiddé: gets its name from the Troskarriddé escarpments, where majority of the mountain tribes reside. The mountain tribes practice a lot of the old ways, including harvesting lightning for fuel, wearing woven armour instead of standard military issue, and worshipping the ancient gods, who, they believe, built the sky cities. House Kiddé's current matriarch is Baroness Paikeia Kiddé. Next in line is Paikeia and Morren's only daughter, Koa'lianu Kiddé--who also possesses rightful claim to House Balin's matriarchal title, but is third in line. 

House Dréska: gets its name from the Dréskavii people who were revered as some of the more fearsome warriors of native Thesmora. Historically, their place of settlement used to be around the Dréskesh volcano but they immigrated to Na'aran Karas (or the Ancient City of Karas) after their home was destroyed by a volcanic eruption. The Dréskavii would later have to fight against Queen Lexa Ordell, Conquerer of the Five Seas, and her armies after they refused to recognise her sovereignty and were locked in a feud that lasted nearly ten years. Eventually, D'arva the Spearhand of the Dréskavii people agreed to yield to Queen Lexa's forces as long as her family would be allowed to join the Nobilium. Members of note within the family are:

° D'arva the Spearhand, defender of Karas and first matriarch.

° Baroness Orrika Dréska is the current matriarch of House Dréska, and the overseer of the military base on Yotai. Orrika is the only matriarch in the Nobilium to currently retain the title of Admiral, as she served in the Royal Guard during Queen Lexa II's administration before the untimely death of her older sister and former matriarch, Parisha Dréska. She is one of twelve siblings.

° Vicinia Dréska is Commander of the Garrison's Cavalry division. She is stationed on the Battleship Anemone. She is Orrika's granddaughter.

House Balin: originates from the lower-south ore flats where most of Thesmora's mines are located. House Balin is the wealthiest amongst the Nobilium. Gaining its scores of wealth from its descendency to the now scattered smithing clan once settled in the underground city of Brealskad. House Balin also shares a distant relation to the Royal Family of Alderaan via the diplomatic marriage of a previous matriarch several centuries ago. House Balin has the largest presence within the Senate Seat, as well as, throughout the galaxy due to their keen aptitude for trade and politics. Members of note within the family are:

° Risha Balin was the youngest sister of House Balin's current matriarch. After the Rebels won the war, she renounced her position as senator in order to help establish the New Republic on Hosnian Prime. She was killed during the attack by Starkiller base.

°Morren Balin (later known as Morren Kiddé) is the only son, and youngest child, of House Balin's current matriarch. He surrendered his title as Baron and his wealthy inheritance when he wed Paikeia Kiddé. He is a well-respected senator in the Senate Seat. He is currently imprisoned on Illis.

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