Chapter XIV: Reckoning Part II

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By the time Zeeke reached the transponder signal for the comms booster, he was drenched, cold and trying to ignore the burn stinging his face and skin. He could feel tremors beneath his feet every time lightning struck the tower. His datapad kept rebooting from the surges of electro-static current generated by the tower. He was glad he had found the comms booster when he did, the storm had gotten malicious.

The comms device was secured in place by four prongs drilled into the ground. It was surrounded by refuelling gear that never got loaded back onto the ships. There were several canisters of compressed cooling gas, used to keep the refueller's systems from overheating, stored beneath opaque plastic-sheeted tents. Standing a little further were two fuel reserve tanks large enough to fill the space in the Somnambulist's cargo bay.

Mud pulled around his dirty boots, slowing his pace as he made his way to the comms booster. He tried to activate it with his datapad but it was still booting up and the device's exterior interface was fritzing out.

"Son of a bantha! I've been to some shit holes in my day. But you, you big, brown planet with your angry rain and lightning storms... you take the cake," Zeeke openly fumed and then he reached into his satchel and pulled out a screwdriver and wire clippers. Once he'd removed the panel covering the internal wiring he managed to switch the device on after tampering with it for a bit.

Gradually, the device hummed to life. A yellow light flashed next to a symbol that looked like a power core. The battery was dead. Zeeke knocked the butt end of his screwdriver onto the device in anger. Before he could get the chance to hurl more profanities, he heard the awkward, wet stumping of uneven footsteps.

Bracing his screwdriver in a locked arm, he spun around and blindly went in with a jab. The man the footsteps belonged to was surprised but not completely taken unawares. He managed to block the attack and flip Zeeke onto his back. Before more attacks could be dealt, the man abruptly shouted with both palms open, "Easy, I'm on your side!" He pointed to the Resistance insignia stitched onto his muddy clothes and Zeeke let out a sigh.

"Sorry. Wasn't expecting company," Zeeke quipped with exhaustion. "I thought all the other officers were dead or on those bombers."

"Unfortunately, I'm neither," the Resistance officer helped Zeeke to his feet. "You're quick. Good thing I'm quicker. Name's Everen. Everen Tao. My datapad was scanning for any active Resistance signals. Picked up on two, but yours was the only one mobile. I tried to hail but—"

"Comms are down. Yeah, I know. That's why I'm out here," Zeeke kicked the comms booster before introducing himself with deflated enthusiasm: "Zeeke."

Everen's weight was slanted to one side, his hand braced on his ribs. He winced before speaking with a kind voice, "Can you get it up and running?"

Zeeke scratched his eyebrows to try and disperse the crinkle forming on his brow, "It needs a new power core. Don't suppose you have one?"

"All out. Sorry," Everen tried to smile.

He was one of those. Zeeke had met many people who tried to keep things light in trying times. It was usually his default too, but right now Everen's breezy act was getting on his nerves. He laughed secretly at the irony. Now he knew how Koa felt up on that walkway before disaster struck.

"Koa's arm..." he thought out loud. "It has a power core."

"Who's arm?"

Amidst all the loud thundering and flashing of light, Zeeke barely managed to see the warship heading in their direction. It was identical to the one he had seen when he was on the walkway, with a few minor differences. Everen noticed it too and staggered to take cover under one of the tents. Zeeke followed suit.

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