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My eyes flickered open as I realised I was sitting in a chair at the back of the ball room. Someone saw me wake up and informed a man who looked expensive. He had a large gold chain around his neck which swung violently as he walked over to me.

"Claudio Versant" he said, reaching out and shaking my hand. I struggled to form a sentence so shook his hand and kept my mouth shut instead.

"I'm sure you're aware that you've broken the rules of tonight's ball?" he said.

"Look he was trying to kill-"

"I know" he said, handing me an iPad "we've got it all on the security cameras. But that still doesn't let you off clean"

"But why?" I asked, placing it on the table "if I wasn't there she would've been dead"

"I understand" he said "but I'm afraid unless someone can grant your bail, we have to put you behind bars, it's just the way these rules are"

"I will"

We both looked behind me to see Mattia and Liv walking into the ball room. Mattia got his wallet out and Liv gave me a sad smile.

"What? No let me get my Dad, he'll pay" I said, sitting up as Liv placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Your family left as soon as you killed Brooks"

My face flushed red with humiliation as I slammed my fist on the table. There wasn't any coming back from this, any hate I'd tried to lose for the sake of a good relationship? It had just been amplified by tenfold.

"You don't have to do this" I said, watching Mattia hand over the money to Claudio. He looked at me, shrugging his shoulders as they walked away.

"I know, I'm doing it for Trixie" he said. I looked around the room for her but it was becoming empty.

"Wait, where is she?" I stood up and pulled out my phone, calling her but it went straight to voicemail. I looked back at Liv who was starting to worry.

"She came in here to look for you" said Liv, getting out her phone and calling a few soldiers to form a search party. Mattia called Claudio back to ask him for help too.


I rolled over in my sleeping bag, opening my eyes as I looked around Amanda's room. She was sleeping next to me in her blue sleeping bag. I picked up my teddy and hit it on her head, quickly pretending to be asleep as her eyes snapped open.

"What was that?!" she said. I looked at her with a smile and stood up, grabbing her hand.

"Oh good, you're awake" she said, standing up with me "let's go play!". We ran downstairs but Josie walked out her bedroom, smiling at us.

"Daisy, your Dad just texted me to take you home"

"No, I don't wanna" I said, running downstairs before she could say anything else. Amanda ran with me and closed the kitchen door once we were inside.

"Let's make pancakes!" she said, running over to the cabinet. I went over to the table and sat down.

"You know my brother has a girlfriend?" I said, swinging my legs as she nodded her head "she's called Trixie and she's so pretty"

"Really?" said Amanda "does she know how to make pancakes? Cause I don't". I looked over at her to see she'd dropped the flour, making it go everywhere. I started laughing before going over to her and picking it up with my hands.

"It's not working!" I said, sitting on the floor in the pile of flour. Amanda sighed and dropped down next to me.

"Wanna have a flour fight?" she asked. A smile spread across my face as I grabbed a fistful of flour and hurled it at her face. She screamed and started throwing it back at me.

"We're gonna get in trouble" she said.

"It's okay, it's not my house" I said, throwing more at her as the kitchen door opened. I felt a pair of hands lift me up and I kicked my legs "put me down!"

But I was carried out the kitchen and out the house until I saw my Mom sitting in her car.

"Mom, hi!" I shouted, waving at her. She lowered her sunglasses as she saw me covered in flour, telling the soldier something. He nodded and took me to his car instead.

"Wait why aren't we sitting in Mom's car?"

"You're too dirty" he said, placing me in the backseat of his car. I frowned as I realised something.

"No my iPad!" I said "I left it at Josie's house I need to get it!" I tried to open the door but it was locked. I tapped the soldier's arm but he pressed a button which made a black screen separate us.

"B-But.." I sat back in my seat, looking down at hands as my eyes filled with tears "I just wanna watch my shows"

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