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We were sitting in the living room. Hendrix and I, on the floor because it seemed comfy for some odd reason. His head was between my thighs, my hands running through his hair.

"You wanna get a takeaway?" I asked. But there was no response. I looked down at him to see he was sound asleep, his hand resting on my thigh. I sighed, ordering food on my phone as Daisy walked into the room. I didn't even notice her until she plopped down next to me, peering at my phone.

"Can I get McDonald's?" she asked.

"Of course you can" I said, kissing the top of her head. She smiled at me before glaring at Hendrix who was asleep. Without hesitating, she slapped the top of his head, jolting him awake.

"What is wrong with you?" he said, rubbing his head and glaring at Daisy. I looked at her as she started laughing, shaking my head as I held my laugh in.

"Baby we gotta go get the food" I said, running a hand through his hair whilst Daisy left the room. He nodded slowly, closing his eyes for a second and placing his head in my neck. I wrapped my arms around him, kissing the top of his head.


"Daisy, stop running" said Hendrix, reaching out and grabbing her arm as we walked through the car park towards McDonald's.

"But I want nuggets!" she whined, huffing loudly when she was forced to walk with us.

"We're getting them now, babe" I said, taking her hand in mine as we walked into the overly populated fast food joint. Hendrix made Daisy stand in front of us once we joined the line, keeping his hand on her shoulder and his other around my waist.

"You want anything?" he asked. I had my eyes on the menu ahead but I felt his eyes looking at me.

"Nah, I'm good"

"When's our food ready again?"

I pulled out my phone, looking at our takeaway order. I was about to say 9pm but Hendrix got a text on his phone which diverted my attention. We both looked at his phone to see a text from Carlos.

Carlos: I'm staying in Jersey for tonight. Give me the keys to the house.

"I'll just meet him after we get our food" he said, rolling his eyes. I nodded, looking down at Daisy.

"Daisy?" my eyes went wide when I noticed she wasn't standing there anymore. Hendrix looked down, his face draining of colour when he noticed his sister wasn't anywhere near us.

"Daisy!" he shouted looking around the restaurant. I covered my hand with my mouth, trying to hold it together but hyperventilating at the same time.

"I'll check outside" I said to him, leaving the place quickly. I ran my hands through my hair as I frantically looked around in the car park. I heard a screech of tyres from the opposite direction and saw a black BMW speeding away.

"Hendrix!" I screamed as he ran out of the building. He pulled a gun out of his pocket and starting firing bullets at the car but we couldn't reach it.

"You're driving" he said, placing the car keys in my hand as we ran towards the car. I started the engine as he opened the sunroof and stood on the passenger seat. I could barely make out the black vehicle but kept driving at a high speed whilst Hendrix reloaded his gun.

"Who the fuck even is it?" I shouted.

"No fucking clue" he replied, firing again and hitting the windscreen.

"Hendrix don't fucking hit Daisy!" I screamed, adrenaline rushing through me as I gripped onto the steering wheel. We pulled into a narrow street but Hendrix kept firing at them.

"Wait" I mumbled, squinting my eyes as I made out the guy in the backseat.

I watched him bite something. A small, circular object which he tugged at with his teeth before immediately throwing it on our direction.

"Hendrix get down!" I yelled, hitting the brakes. He threw his body over mine but we were too close.

The car shook violently, flipping backwards and hitting the ground harshly. I heard the glass shatter from the windows causing Hendrix to tighten his grip on me.

"Baby I'm good" I said, looking up at him. He was looking out of the shattered windscreen with hopeless eyes. There was blood oozing out of his bottom lips and debris covering parts of his face and also in his hair. His breathing was heavy, like he was about to break down any second.


"They have my baby sister" he whispered, not looking at me. His voice was shaking as he spoke and I couldn't tell if it was fear or anger. 

All I knew was that whoever was in that car with Daisy had just signed their whole life away.

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