Invited Herself

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I pulled the covers over Leila and Daisy before leaning down to kiss Daisy's head. I turned the light off in my room and walked over to the guest room to see Hendrix tucking Milo and Cody in.

"The girls asleep?" he asked, closing the door as we walked out. I nodded as he slipped his hand into mine.

"Milo and Cody asleep?" I asked, watching him nod his head at me. We walked downstairs and Hendrix collapsed onto the couch, pulling me down on top of him. I laughed lightly at how dramatic he was as I laid down properly on his chest.

"Stop laughing, I'm exhausted" he said, placing his arms around me.

"How many kids are we planning on having?" I asked causally. I watched his eyes light up a little whenever I mentioned something about our future.

"Like ten"

"What?" I asked, bursting out into laughs as he started laughing with me "you can't even manage four and you wanna try ten?"

"I'm kidding, baby" he said as I moved the hairs away from his eyes "probably two, three max"

"Sounds manageable" I said, laying my head on his chest. There was a comfortable silence sitting between us as I closed my eyes for a second. He got his phone out and ordered food for us, keeping one arm around me.

"What are we getting?" I asked, turning around so my back was against his chest.

"I don't know yet" he said "how does pizza sound?"

"No stop being basic" I said, watching him furrow his eyebrows at me. But I wanted to be petty.

"Well, what do you want then?"

"I don't know" I yawned, turning around again and wrapping my arms around his chest. He sighed, casually pushing me off the couch.

"Hendrix!" I groaned, sitting up as he started laughing at me "fuck you, no sex for a week"

"Aye" he reached forward and grabbed my face as he sat on the couch, forcing me to look at him "only I get to use that, never you"

"Shut up, weirdo" I pulled my face away from him and stood up, walking into the kitchen. The doorbell rang when I was pouring myself a glass of water and I heard Hendrix get up so I relaxed instead.


I choked on my water when he said Brook's sister's name and placed my glass down on the counter. I walked over to the hallway to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"It's past 10pm, why are you here?" he asked.

"I had an argument with my parents" she mumbled. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the door so I was beside Hendrix.

"Oh hi, Trixie" she said, giving me a small smile.

"Why did you choose to come here?" I asked bluntly. I felt Hendrix looking at me to calm down but it just seemed all too sus to me.



"Shut up" I said, cutting Hendrix off and turning back to her "why did you come to my house when you could've just booked a hotel?"

"I just, I thought that we were friends" she stammered, looking at the ground as she started crying.

"Whatever, I'm going to check on the kids" I said to Hendrix, dismissing the subject and walking upstairs. I gently opened my door, to see Daisy sat up in bed, looking out the window whilst Leila was sound asleep next to her.

"What's wrong, D?"

I walked over to her, sitting on my bed as she crawled into my lap, wrapping her arms around my stomach.

"I just watched that woman walk over to the house and she had a gun in her jacket"

My stomach dropped a little but I kept my cool for Daisy and nodded my head slowly. I picked her up and looked her dead in those brown eyes.

"Daisy, I need you to stay here with Leila and I'm going to bring Milo and Cody over here too. No matter what you hear, you do not leave this room and neither do the other three, okay?"

"Are we gonna die?" she asked, her voice cracking slightly as I watched her bottom lip start to tremble.

"What? No, no baby no one's going to die" I said, wiping her tears as my heart started to ache for her. I calmed her down before picking up the boys and bringing them into my bed too.

"Remember what I told you?" I asked Daisy. She forced a smile and nodded her head at me. I kissed her head before leaving my room and closing the door behind me.

"Did you want a drink?"

I walked into the kitchen to see Hendrix getting a glass out the cupboard as Mkayla nodded, taking a seat on one of the barstools.

I stepped out again and called as many soldiers as I could find in my phone.

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