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3rd january 1996 (8:40am!)

[if u need a reminder, froey kissed at christmas and then she went to visit her dickhead dad who crucio'd her and then they all spent a nervous new years' at grimmauld place! xo]


LOLA LEMONT WELCOMES JOEY BACK IN THE USUAL WAY: by not being welcoming at all.

The first morning back at Hogwarts after that totally-not-eventful Christmas sees Joey skipping to the Gryffindor table, breathless and with her cheeks slightly flushed from all the excitement of seeing Lee and Lola again after such a long time. After all, Joey hasn't seen them since last year, and that's way too long to go without seeing your Metamorphmagus Scorpio dream and her honey-smile Leo boyfriend! She feels so giddy inside, like she's swallowed the sun whole, both her heart and messy red hair soaring.

When Joey sees Lola sulking by herself, cradling a cup of black coffee and glaring at anybody who dares sit within a metre of her, her heart begins to sing. She flings both arms delightedly round the back of Lola's serpentine neck and sing-songs, 'Guess who, Lols!'

Lola groans with practically her whole body, crossing her arms menacingly across the black velvet bodice she wears under her school uniform. 'You infuriate me, darling.'

'Why, thank you!'

'Johannah bach, I did not intend that as a compliment.'

Joey's missed Lola so bad (well, can you blame her?), from the roots of her sometimes-emerald-sometimes-ebony hair, a million miles long and scarily straight, to the toes shoved in fishnet tights and a very stompy pair of Doc Marten boots. Because, obviously, even breakfast is an occasion worthy of dressing up for!

Cramming her mouth full with her favourite Pixie Puffs, Joey asks, 'Hey, why aren't the others here? Oh Venus, they don't hate me, do they?'

Lola scoffs. 'Yes. You who have never wronged anybody in your whole life, always put other people before yourself, and care more about them than anybody on the planet - ach, in the universe - are now hated by two twmffats who frankly do not deserve you.'

She's joking - or at least, Joey assumes she's joking. With Lola Lemont, it's always kind of hard to tell (hence why Fred says she's got no sense of humour, which is just plain rude! Before they were together, Lola used to find flushing Lee's tarantula down the loos greatly amusing!).

'Your insolent twins,' Lola continues, and pride swells within Joey like a lovey-dovey balloon, 'wished me to inform you that your presence is required at the Lake after lessons. So is mine, apparently. At least, that is what I think they said; it was too hard to tell, as they had stolen one of Umbitch's foulest teapots and were taking it on a sprint around the castle.'

She morphs into an uncanny doppelgänger of Professor Umbrella, only with the addition of bright pink horns and a devil's pointed tail. (Linden Lemont, who once said her older sister never takes advantage of her Metamorphmagus ability, clearly needs to sit down!)

Joey's already-singing heart reaches its delighted crescendo. Suddenly her one teeny-tiny brain is flowing to the brim with excited thoughts, all thrashing around like tipsy Cornish Pixies! She wonders what they've arranged at the Lake and her tummy goes all funny. She can already see them now, drinking in the sunset, Fred and George probably drinking in lakewater because Lola's pushed them in...

AMOR FATI . . . fred weasley Where stories live. Discover now