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11:46 PM 19/05/1995 [unrelated but look at the symmetry in that date omg]


SO, APPARENTLY, MIRACLES DO HAPPEN, because right now in the Gryffindor common room, is Viktor Krum, of all people.

And, as if Joey needed any more proof that miracles do happen, here she is, of all people, talking to Viktor Krum. Krum. She cannot stress this enough: she is going absolutely insane!

She's gone about the whole thing in such a Joey way. Like, first of all she'd bumped into Krum (literally bumped into him, her books flying everywhere and everything), and in her frantic apologies accidentally mentioned how she thought that Ireland's Keeper, Barry Ryan, was the best Quidditch player ever; and then, for absolutely no reason whatsoever, she'd panicked and asked Krum what his favourite way to eat an egg was.

You know, exactly what you do when you're face-to-face with the best Quidditch Seeker of all time - except Cedric, of course.

Say what you will about Joey, but she is fiercely, fiercely loyal to that boy.

Honestly, she thinks she needs pinching, hard, because this is a dream come true. As she returns to her friends, cheeks illuminated with pure joy, she may or may not be fangirling internally so hard it hurts!

'Apparently Ceddie told him I'm a brilliant Keeper!' Joey gushes, so happy she almost wants to cry.

Across the room, Ron is decomposing. Naturally. Lee's practically on the verge of swooning, whilst George's mouth is open with comical admiration. Even Lola is struggling to keep a straight face. But Fred, for some reason, looks a little cheesed off.

Wow, Joey thinks, does he really support Ireland that much?

'Well you are,' says Fred, and he's definitely frowning now. 'I could've told you that for free.'

'Yeah but, no offence Fred, it probably means more coming from Krum than you,' Lee says. 'What's he like, Joe?'

'Saying no offence doesn't make it any less offensive,' Fred grumbles.

'Oh shut up, Fred,' says George. 'Don't be a git.'

'I'm not being-'

'Weasley, you are always being a git,' sighs Lola.

Well, what is Fred meant to say to that? Fuck off? He crosses his arms stubbornly across his chest, trying with all his might not to listen to what Joey's saying - so, obviously, he's clinging to every single word!

It's so stupid and brilliant and Johannah and yet for the life of him, Fred can't bring himself to laugh. Is it jealousy, maybe? Well, that's fucking weird.

There's no denying it though, he is jealous. Because Joey's the one talking to Krum, not him. That must be what it is. Nothing else.

Definitely, definitely nothing else!

He's grateful when Lola announces it's time for Astronomy. 'Time to leave your darling Vicky-boy,' Fred says, pulling a reluctant Joey to her feet, and he's stunned at how much his voice oozes with spite.

'Is something up, Freddie?' she's asking. Her eyebrows are knitted together with anxiety. She worries so much, and more than anything he just wants to find a way to assure her that there'll never be anything to worry about again.

AMOR FATI . . . fred weasley Where stories live. Discover now