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20th february 1996 (dusk!)


BAD NEWS: JOEY'S FEELING... well, really angry!

    She's trying to sugar-coat it, believe her, she is. There's just no denying that things have been so rubbish lately. Normally, Joey can hunt down a silver lining in any dodgy situation, but this week has really, really taken the biscuit!

    Without a shadow of a doubt in her little Taurus heart, it's all Umbrella's fault. Roger, all his confidence shattered after he got kicked from his precious Quidditch team for absolutely no reason, has retreated into the Ravenclaw Tower and Joey can't even see him because she's too dumb to understand the blooming riddle! Honestly, did the Hogwarts founders have it in for all inter-house friendships or something? All she wants to do is be there for the boy who's been there for her so much this year, to soothe him and make him laugh and see him smile. But she can't. How on Venus is that fair?

    So, maybe, she's resorted to a little bit of revenge...

    Joey is absolutely not a vengeful person, no way! She'll forgive anyone, duh, even if they've done something really mean like leave an empty box of Chocolate Frogs in the cupboard! But she's had enough of Umbrella being so cruel to her friends. To everyone, for that matter, when literally all they're doing is trying to exist. Being a teenager is hard enough without some Moody Margaret trying to deprive you of all the stuff that makes you happiest!

    If you hear the rumour that Joey Attlee climbed through the window of Umbrella's office whilst she was out terrorising first-years and slipped muggle laxatives into her herbal tea (and threw in a couple of Dungbombs for good measure)... shush!

    Now Joey's hiding in the Owlery, shaking like a leaf of Venomous Tentacula, gazing helplessly down at the letter that's just come from Bill. Normally, she finds getting post so exciting, especially when it's Mrs Weasley or Remus and Sirius sending her chocolate! She always loves Bill's letters; he writes to her every day, which makes Fred and George call him a 'pathetic old saddo', but they're just jealous they aren't getting letters  full of muggle gossip, and tales about his cute crush on Frances...

    But this letter isn't about any of that, ugh! He isn't even asking her for a horoscope or advice about his Sagittarius placements!

    It's about her dad. You know, the dad who has a blooming Dark Mark...

    Annie, hey. Hope you're still hanging in there - I know Hogwarts is tough, but you're tougher. How's Roger keeping? I know he wants to be a Healer, so I've got in touch with a mate at St Mungo's if he's interested...

    The Order's been doing some digging on your dad. We already suspected who he might be, but we've been using Mundungus' dodgy contacts (you really, really don't want to ask) to try find out some more intel. Our priority - my priority - is protecting you, always. We can explain everything when you leave school, but if I tell you any more here, Mum might shave off my hair in my sleep! Just for now, I need you to promise me you'll stay at Hogwarts. It's still the safest place you can be, even with Umbridge, and you know I worry myself sick about you. We all do (but especially me. Not to be the competitive oldest-child stereotype, but if worrying about you was a competition, I'd be winning).

AMOR FATI . . . fred weasley Where stories live. Discover now