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[ quick a/n: this is meant to be the gryff/slytherin match but i changed it because i wanted froey to play against each other, hope u don't mind!!! love u all, enjoy the chap ]

5th november


FROM THE SHEER DISGUST etched across her face, Joey can tell Lola did not expect her room to be such an utter pig-sty.

Seriously. Ivy and Joey's shared dormitory is littered with a sea of discarded socks, barely-touched textbooks and well-leafed copies of Witch Weekly, and of course, sweet wrappers, everywhere. Plus there are a few questionable smells - a result of Fred and George 'testing' products in here, AKA their excuse just to blow things up! - which Lola decides not to mention. Instead, she casts her disgruntled glare at the hanging ivy tangled around Ivy's bedposts, as it snakes out its tendrils to tickle her.

But is it really their priority to tidy their room when literally everything else in their lives is just, well, strange? Joey thinks not! If it ever gets too bad, like seriously bad, Ives just casts a quick Scouring Charm, and boom, their lair is clean, at least for a week! Easy-peasy tongue-tying lemon squeezy.

What isn't so easy-peasy tongue-tying lemon squeezy is that Joey is playing her first Quidditch match without Ced in less than an hour - and still hasn't gotten out of bed or her bright pink pyjamas yet!

'You are still in bed?' Lola gapes, thundering over to Joey's bed. 'Do you want to see your team absolutely annihilated by Gryffindor?'

'I thought you didn't even like Quidditch,' Joey mumbles, fiddling with the edge of her patchwork quilt.

Lola scoffs. 'It is less boring than watching lemongrass grow, darling. But if you lose, you know the twins will be insufferable, teasing me day and night about their-' she raises her fingers in sarcastic speech marks '-sporting prowess.'

Joey laughs, knowing it's true. In fact, she only has to glance sideways to see Fred in the many photos of them adorning her walls, sticking his middle finger up at Lola in every single one of them.

'I guess I'm just - well, I think I'm just worried about letting Ceddie down.'

'And hiding from your responsibility of team Captain would not disappoint him?' Lola demands. Then her tone softens and she weaves her hand through Joey's, long elegant nails caressing the bitten ones. Her roots flood Hufflepuff colours as she does so. 'Please, Attlee. Johannah. Please.'

There's a loud banging on the dormitory door, so loud Joey can't help thinking, the poor wood! 'Has she said she'll fucking do it yet?' Pyotr's voice calls, followed by a hissed 'P!' that is very obviously from Ivy.

'She has,' Joey responds, prompting a rare beam from Lola. 'She just needs to get changed out of her pyjamas.'

Pyotr cheers against the door. 'Thank fuck for that. And why don't you wear the fucking pyjamas? Show everybody you can be a fucking style icon and a Quidditch queen at the same time?'

JOEY'S CONVINCED she might throw up her breakfast if she spends too long in the Great Hall - and nobody wants to see her Pixie Puffs twice! - so she beelines straight to the changing rooms before everyone else.

AMOR FATI . . . fred weasley Where stories live. Discover now