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10:36 PM 31/3/1995
[ sorry this one is a lil long! ]


FOR THE REST OF THE MONTH, Joey refuses to let Cedric out of her sight.

OK, OK, maybe being barely over five foot and physically incapable of hurting even a fly are not traits you want for your personal bodyguard, but Cedric being Cedric, appreciates the effort. Joey's almost become a bit stalkerish, demanding she knows where he is every hour of the day, just in case, Merlin forbid, he should come into contact with anybody who even looks at him funny. So what if he's Cedric Diggory and everybody practically worships him?

As far as Joey's concerned, she just wants to forget about the blood message on her bed and whatever the hell it meant. 'Blood traitor bitch'... seriously, she can turn out to be Salazar Slytherin's daughter but she doesn't even care at this point, at all, as long as Cedric stays alive and safe and well.

Besides, even if she did turn out to be Salazar Slytherin's daughter, she's best friends with Fred and George for Merlin's sake... stranger things have happened!

So, yes, protecting Cedric at all costs. Hence why she finds herself curled up by his side in the common room on the very last evening of March, critiquing the love letter he's penning to Roger.

As she reads the tarot for the oncoming month. Naturally.

'Baby-cakes?' she suggests.

Cedric shakes his head. 'Too cheeky.'

'Um, cutie-patootie?'

'Too cringey.'

Joey sighs theatrically. 'I don't bloomin' know, Ceddie. How about angel-arse?'

You'd have thought the hardest thing Cedric had had to do this year was rescue two humans from drowning, but no - apparently it was picking a petname for his boyfriend!

Joey adores him, of course, but seriously?

'Here's a suggestion,' begins Pyotr Zalewski from the opposite sofa, causing both Cedric and Joey to look up warily. Pyotr (everybody's favourite overexcited, gossipy Slytherin!) has been known to have a filter on a grand total of 0 occasions. 'How about Big Daddy?'

Joey falls about laughing; Cedric struggles to scowl. 'He has got a point, Ceddie! He's your boyfriend after all.'

Cedric gives one of his usual melodramatic sighs and Joey thinks, here we go again. 'Yes but, what if I'm cringey and it puts him off? Or what if I'm overly nice and he stops reading it straight away?'

'Sweet Jesus, Cedric, just call him by his fucking name and have done with it,' Pyotr groans.

Besides him, his best friend Ivy Thomas nods. Growing up next door neighbours in dilapidated muggle terraces, Ivy and Pyotr have a fierce friendship that not even inter-house rivalries can even lay a finger on. And how they have tried. 'It's easier to write a love letter than fight a dragon, Ced,' she says reassuringly.

'If you can have a fucking swim with the merpeople, you can do anything, mate.'

'P, your inner Slytherin is coming out again,' scolds Ivy without looking up from her copy of Witch Weekly Magazine. Soft-spoken and gentle, she is the perfect antidote to a boy who's as tough as old boots.

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