Chapter 31

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Unedited As Fuck

*Long Time no seeeeee. Bare with me, I am very rusty on this story. Vote, and enjoy. Catch me at the end of the chap.*

News of Willie's cancer traveled to everyone like wild fire. Antonio more eager to meet him now. Alice as downright bitter as she was prayed for him.....actually prayed. To go so far as to give Diana a call. It was nothing like death to either tear you apart or pull you together. In their case pull together. Though her father was initially upset with his wife, he soon got over it.

It had been two months since the news dropped. In that time Terrence had made some calls to find the best doctors for her father. Despite the old mans heavy protests. He dudnt want to be seen as a freeloader. He reached out to Taraji to rekindle not to use their money. In defense what was the point of rekindling if your time was limited? He was still adamant about his disapproval but it was already underway.

"Oh my goodness. Taraji you have birthed a cutie pie." Nancy gushed, holding her latest grandchild.

"Thank you." Taraji smiled, at 3 months Amora was already truly showing her personality. She was a rather loud baby. Making noise just to hear herself. Her various sounds were a constant at home. Holding conversation most times, Taraji knew she was gone be a talker.

"Okay so I think I got everything." Terrence announced, walking in with bags for dinner at his mothers. At the sound of his voice Amora started fidgeting. Trying to locate him in the room.

"Oop, daddy's here. No more cuddles." Nancy pouted, Taraji chuckled looking at her child. The definition of daddy's girl. If he was in the room she wanted to be in hid arms. She was still battling with the jealousy. She was the one cut open for her.

"Hold on mami, let me put things down." Terrence called out, heading into the kitchen. Tony trailing his father with bags. Amora started to whimper her little lip poking out. Taraji grinned getting up and grabbing her. Even though she wasnt who she wanted from Tarajis seat she could see him in the kitchen. She quieted her whimpers spotting him, instead calling for him in a series of loud sounds.

"Her first words are going to be daddy." Nancy informed Taraji, who nodded knowingly.

"She's going to die if Terry gets picked up for this movie." Taraji voiced.

"Hi mami! You miss daddy? Yeah?" Terrence cooed, walking over scooping her up. Her gummy smile on display. Sitting down next to Taraji he kissed her on the cheek.

"A shame look at that smile." Nancy pouted.

"She's almost 3 months and already disrupting my adult time." Terry muttered, Tony scrunched his face disgusted at his comment.

"What do you mean boy?"

"Watch...." Terrence puckered his lips in Taraji's direction. Leaning in to kiss her man Amora let out a loud sound. Clearly displeased his attention was no longer on her.

"My jealous peanut." He cooed, she squirmed in his arms letting him know she was tired.

Adjusting his hold on her he cradled her. Taraji smiled one thing for sure Terrence loved fatherhood. It made her wonder what he would have been like with Tony. Things were so good with them. Despite her fathers illness her life was calm. No psycho exs after them, they were in a place where it was truly just them in charge.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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