Chapter 15

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Nia paced the floor of her home. Guilt heavy on her mind. She didn't mean to cause physical harm to the boy. Sure she hates her mom, and by chance she hates him, but she meant no serious harm. It's been two days. No news was given about his condition. Leaving not only her, but the world on edge.

She couldn't let her involvement get out. She made sure to cover her tracks. Paying her friend to keep quiet about it. She would be ruined, not only that but the chances with Terrence disappeared to.

Her phone dinged. Looking down it said Terrence had started a Instagram live. She quickly clicked joining those watching. The numbers grew by the second. Looking at him her heart broke. His eyes were red and puffy like he had been crying long and hard.

"Hey guys." His voice spoke. It was hoarse and rough.

"I want to first start off by saying thank you for the prayers. They mean alot to me. Next I wanted to address the question everyone's been blowing me up about. Yes I in fact do have a 15 year old son. Why he was hidden from the public is personal, but I will say it was for his own protection." He spoke, his background looked like that if a hospital lobby.

"My son is very much alive thankfully. He suffered a handful of injuries, but I'm happy he's breathing. From this point on, on behalf of his mother and I. We ask that you respect his privacy." His eyes scanned some of the comments before zeroing in on a question.

"Yes, his mother is Taraji and no she is not with me at the moment." His voice slightly wavered, before a sad smile danced onto his face. Now rolled her eyes that bitch needed to kick rocks.

"This will be the last time I address the matters of my personal life on this level. Not everything us meant for the public to know. I've always been honest with you guys. So I'm honestly telling you that most matters of my personal life are private. I am a human that goes through things just like the rest of you. I think you guys tend to put celebrities in this category where they are trouble free, like we're God's or something. No we like you cry, and bleed. So I ask that you respect my privacy as well. Not only mine but his mothers. Again thank you for the prayers. God bless you all. " He announced before he signed off.

Nia set her phone down. Watching that just made her feel worse, but she couldn't change the past. Sitting in silence her mind conjured up an elaborate plan. She could use thus to her advantage. With that she decided to call it a night.

Across town.....

Terrence wiped his eyes for the third time in the span of a few minutes. Looking over at his sleeping son he felt his heart clench. A cast around his leg, Guaze wrapped around his head, a tube in his side by his chest slowly inflating his lung. It had collapsed from the collision. Since then they had been inflating it, not too much at a time to not shock the body. An oxygen mask on his face.

He took slow breaths. His son was almost never awake. The pain medicine keeping him sleep most of the time. He suffered head trauma so it was better to sleep through the pain. He had gotten out of surgery a few hours ago. They had to cut a small part of his skull to let his brain swell with out being squeezed. It was that or put him into a coma to reduce the risk of brain damage.

All and all he got the shitty end of the deal. The car suffered a broken headlight and a dent. Which the owner wanted Terrence to pay for like hitting his son wasn't enough. His heart bled for his son, wishing to take his place.

Not only that, but Taraji was also heavy on his mind. She literally collapsed in his arms seeing her son struggling to breath. He never wanted to see that much pain in her eyes again. They had met the ambulance at the hospital. She saw her unconscious bleeding son being wheeled into the hospital. That image burned into her retinas.

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