Chapter 21

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"Get them bags out the car." Taraji spoke climbing out of the rental car. Tony rolled his eyes mumbling under his breath. She paused looking up.

"Lord please give me strength." She whispered, turning she glared at her son.

"Tony my sweet precious child.....Get them damn bags out the fucking car before I shove my foot up yo ass. How about that since you can't hear me. You hear me now?" Taraji snapped, he huffed getting out and going to the back of the small car. Snatching the bags out he slammed the door then stormed up the walk way of their old house.

"Get yo....Boy!" She snapped, she closed her eyes taking a deep breath. The urge to vomit hitting her. Something she noticed was this baby, did not like her upset. It lead to nausea. Sighing she placed a hand on her small stomach. Soon it would be the kicking, she wasn't ready for that.

"Okay, Okay. I'm calm. Better tell your brother to chill the fuck out though. Ima kick his ass." Taraji grumbled walking up the pathway after locking the car doors.

"Antonio Deleon Henson! You got one more time to....."

"Uhhh...What the hell is wrong with y'all?" Alice spoke cutting off her daughter. Taraji sighed shutting the front door.

"So I'm pregnant again....and he pissed about it." Taraji blurted nonchalantly. Alice shook her head giving her daughter a once over.

"When you find out?" Her mother asked, she was expecting Taraji to be pregnant a long time ago. She was surprised her daughter was just now carrying.

"Not to long ago. I'm 3 almost 4 months." Taraji spoke sending a glare to her son on the couch. He had his headphones on tapping away at his phone.

"I thought he wanted another sibling." Alice spoke leading her daughter to the kitchen.

"Me too. I don't know what's wrong? Terry told me they talked and he thinks Terry's gonna leave but it's way deeper then that for him to be still upset. I dont have the patience to figure it out, I'm 3 seconds from hauling off and punching him in the throat." Taraji spat, Alice chuckled.

"I'll talk to him okay. But I do have something to tell you." She spoke pulling out some ice cream. Taraji eyed it with excitement.

"What's up?" Taraji asked grinning as her mother slid the ice cream over, then a spoon.

"....Quincy got out." Alice spoke, Taraji stopped before the spoonful of ice cream could enter her mouth.

"Oh." She simply mutter looking down. At one point that name made her heart skip a beat. Now it only sent a low hum of excitement through her veins.

"Yeah, he came by looking for you and Tony. It's been what 5 years or so?" Alice questioned sipping on her tea. Taraji hummed.

"6 years actually." She mumbled, Alice eyed her daughter's expression.

If anyone could make Taraji crumble with need like Terrence it would be Quincy. Quincy Pryor......Trouble, Trouble, and more Trouble. Alice never liked him. He was that stereotypical bad boy, and the victim of his charm was Taraji.

That drug she couldn't leave alone. He was a man dabbling in a little bit of everything illegal. Yet, he was always running behind Taraji. Trying to get her attention, buying her things. It was the fact that he couldn't have her, that made him want her more.

Alice praised god the day he got locked up. She saw nothing in his future but cell bars and police. She didn't want that for her daughter. Especially not for her grandchild.

"Taraji...Stay away from that man, you hear me!" Alice spoke, Taraji nodded shoving the ice cream away.

"I hear you mama. I'm not that young girl anymore. I've grown up." Taraji spoke, Alice shook her head.

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