Chapter 25

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Taraji sat on the couch pouting, her feet up on the coffee table as she was supposed to be resting. She felt cooped up, they didn't want her to cook, or leave the hotel or anything. Terrence and Tony waited on her hand and foot all day everyday, she was sick of it. Hence the stank ass attitude she had.

She didn't want to feel so incapable, she wanted to feel as normal as possible. Yet it was impossible with the way they were treating her. Then her mom was coming, and though she loved the woman....she was in no moods to hear another mouth. With a growl she tossed her head back. Peanut moving in her stomach nonstop.

Hearing her distressed noise Terrence opened his eyes, he had been sleeping on the couch...but the smallest noise woke him. He was growing exhausted from his actions, taking care of his needs and hers, amongst others things. Looking at her face he sighed, placing a hand on her stomach he rubbed slowly. Taraji's eyes popped open sending him a glare which he ignored.

Closing his eyes he continued his actions, after a good 10 minutes she wasn't so tense anymore. He felt her head drop on to his shoulder, he smiled softly. Rubbing her bump seemed to make both her and the baby tired. They were both drifting off to sleep until a knocking sounded out at the door. Terrence groaned checking his watch, it couldn't be Tony because he was out on a "friendly outing". Which meant he was on a date.

Getting up Taraji made a noise of annoyance. Opening the door Taraji's mother rushed in all smiles. Taraji stared at her mother blankly, though inside she was screaming.

"Alice? I thought we agreed on Friday?" Terrence spoke shutting the door.

"I know, I know. I couldn't stay away that long after everything. I needed to see her." She responded leaving out a different reason. Locking eyes with her daughter she frowned.

"Taraji Penda Henson, do something with that hair of yours!" Her mother snapped going into full mom mode in a flash. Taraji sent a glare Terrence's way before getting up, and stomping away. Their bedroom door closing with a slam so hard he was surprised it was still on the hinges. He sighed looking at Alice's stricken face.

"She's been very very moody, especially now." He spoke stretching out.

"What happened?"

"They want her to testify against Quincy, he could skip free if she doesn't." He explained.

"But what about the Nia Long murder?" She questioned, remembering they had him on camera. While also having his DNA.

"I'm not really supposed to know this stuff, but the recordings got thrown out for them being unlawfully obtained. With the DNA it's still concrete, but that case is different in itself. They have to be careful, he's walked on a murder charge once already. So he could get out on bail, but if she agrees to testify they can keep him because he's a danger to her." He explained, she shook her head.

"Tell her to testify!"

"I don't want her to." He voiced shocking Alice.

"Why not?! Are you crazy?!" She hissed.

"I'm not crazy, I'm thinking about what's best for her."

"What's best for her? She's not safe with him out!" Terrence groaned, having to defend his position yet again. As he opened his mouth she jumped in.

"I'm her mother and I know what's best!"

"If you KNEW what was best for her you'd support my desicion. She dosent need that stress! I'm thinking about her well being along with my child's. She swears up and down she's fine, only to lay awake at night. All night thinking I don't notice. She tells me she's fine, cusses me out for babying her then doesn't want me to leave her anywhere. She's not fine!" He ranted.

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