Chapter 30

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We gone have a little discussion at the end of this chapter.*

1 month later.....

Pulling the pan out of the oven Taraji wiped the light sweat from her forehead. She was exhausted but she wasnt gonna focus on that. Tony had finally invited his little girlfriend over. She wasn't playing when she said she wanted to meet her. It took her threatening to take him out of basketball this season for him to do right. So little miss fast ass was supposed to be here at 7:30.

"Mmm, smells good baby." Terrence spoke strolling up behind her. Resting his hands on her 8 month belly. Due to pop in just two weeks.

"Thank you. Can you butter the rolls. I want to make myself presentable." She muttered, feeding him a piece of chicken she was eating on. 

He nodded, pecking her lips taking over. Happy to do this for her. She was doing so good this last month. Going to therapy alone he was proud. She wanted to wait to start school until after the baby was born, but they were closing on a few houses. Each of them had their own requirements but luckily they had the best realtor out here. A spunky woman who was hard working to get them the perfect home. She was quickly becoming a friend of Tarajis. With Gabrielle so far away he was glad she was making friends. Though Gabrielle was looking to move out here for a fresh start. He had been the friend he was and called and checked on Dwayne even if they weren't super close. 

"Pops how do I look?" Tony questioned doing a small turn. Terrence rose a brow taking Tony in. The cleanest he had seen his son since winter break was over and school started back up. It was nice to see him in clothes and not shorts 24/7. 

"Good. You even combed your hair." Terrence chuckled. 

"Haha, I'm nervous. How's mom's mood today? Good? Please say it's good man." Tony spoke, Terrence shrugged continuing to butter the rolls. He hadn't been home all day. Having had his agent grab some work closer to home he had a special guest job on a show for the next month. 

"She seemed okay. Go ask her and not me." He answered wiping his hands clean as the Knicks came. Tony all but flew across the space to the door. Shaking his head Terrence went to check on his woman. Finding her letting her hair down in the bathroom mirror. He hummed walking up behind her rubbing her back with some pressure she groaned dropping her head. He always knew what she needed lately. Never missing a beat. Putting a lot of pressure on the middle mid back she had what felt like an orgasm but mentally. Terrence chuckled feeling a semi growing at her moans. 

"That's enough of this before you get something else." He muttered aloud. She raised a brow at him lazily. 

"Yeah I know you wouldn't mind, but we have a guest. Promise I'll put you to sleep later baby girl." He spoke kissing the side of forehead as he grabbed her hand giving a light tug. 

"Fine." She pouted following behind him. Walking out to find the teens lip locked. 

"How about we use our mouths to talk and eat?" Taraji tossed out the two breaking apart. Shaking her head she waddled to the dinner table. Terrence waving Tony over to help him grab food. Pulling out Jazmines chair out copying Terrence pulling Taraji's out. However he didnt copy the kiss to the cheek Terry gave her. Following his dad torwards the little kitchen Taraji stared the girl down. Making her extremely uncomfortable but Taraji could care less. She was uncomfortable to know her son had sex in this damn suite.

"Oh let me introduce you guys. Mom, Dad this is Jazmine. Jazzy these are my parents." Tony smiled, setting the roasted chicken on the table, Terrence following with more food. Setting the full spread down the boys took their seats.

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