Chapter 18

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3 months later.....

"Hey pops. How was filming?" Tony asked Terrence via Skype. Terrence groaned and rolled his eyes, just his luck to get stuck with Nia as a co-star. He got to hate her for two thirds of movie so in reality it kind of worked out.

"Its going. How's your mom?" Terrence questioned with a smile.

They weren't back together....yet. Things were looking up for them. The first month it was horrible she was depressed he was depressed, they were miserable. Though with Taraji it always took time to gather herself, to figure out what she wanted in life. So when she came to the conclusion that Terrence was what she wanted that was it.

Though this time they were taking it slow....very slow. Like neither was claiming any type of relationship between them. They talked and texted just about everyday, like they used to just minus the pet names and sex. They were like best friends who never got to see eachother.

Sex.....god did they both miss it.

"Ummmm......Good. She's been crazy busy with school so I leave her be when she gets home. Plus her professors kind of a creeper." Tony spoke while doing his homework. He briefly looked up catching his father's reaction. Tony smirked continuing to solve his math problems.

"Like how?" Terrence questioned.

"Like he brought mom home yesterday. She locked keys in the car, and he was just watching her. Especialky when she would walk away or turn away." Tony spoke nonchalantly.

"You don't think she's go for him? I mean it's against school rules and what not." Terrence asked, Tony hid his smile and shrugged.

He knew his mom wasn't checking for that professer, but Terrence didn't. And if he had to place bugs in his father's ears he would do so. He didn't want just any man around. After seeing his mom happiest with Terrence he was the only eligible candidate for him.

"Hmmm?" Terrence hummed with a frown. Tonys bedroom door flew open in marching his mother. She had on some small shorts that screamed dick me down. Her tank top was tight on her skin, not a bra in sight. Terrence's mouth watered looking at her.

"Tony were gonna leave in 45 minutes." She yawned with a hand perched on her hip.

She looked as if she just woke up from a bomb ass nap. Terrence's eyes roamed her body. He squinted leaning in torwards the camera. She looked.....different. Not in a bad way, bit in a noticeable way. Especially for him.

"Okay, I'm just doing homework and talking to dad." He replied, her feet carried her to his desk. She leaned down smiling at Terrence, sending him a wave.

"Well hello sleeping beauty." He teased.

"I'm so sorry I forgot to call. I'm just tired." She yawned, the last part barely audible.

"It's fine get your rest. You need it." He grinned. She nodded waving bye. She exited Tony's room closing the door behind her.

"Has your mom.....I don't know?.....Gotten bigger per say?" Terrence questioned in deep thought, Tony's eyes popped.

"Shhhhhhh!" He hissed looking at the door as if he were waiting for it to bust open again. Terrence scratched the back of his head in confusion.

"You can't say stuff like that! If she heard it would have been all bad." Tony whisper shouted.

"Why are you whispering?" Terrence asked, Tony rolled his eyes.

"Cause what were talking about is dangerous. I asked her that last week and I got my head chewed off!" Tony exclaimed giving his dad a wild look.

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