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"Are you sure this is what I'm supposed to wear?" I was wearing a skin tight mini dress, with glitter falling literally everywhere. I had on a pair of cherry red heels to match my hair. The outfit looked pretty good on me. It hugged my boobs the right way, and you could barely see my stomach. I just hated that I was dressing this way for him.

"Yes! He's going to be wearing something just as elegant. I swear." Amber put her pinky out as she stood behind me, and I flicked it away.

Today was my last date with Wayne. Key word: last.
Was I thrilled? Of course! To get it over with ;)
I wasn't thrilled to be spending my valentine's day with him, though.

Just before going down, I looked at myself in the mirror one last time, making sure I looked alright. I had my red hair in loose wavy curls.  I didn't apply any eyeshadow, but just mascara and red lipstick. I had on a gold necklace my dad gave me with my name on it, and a gold ring on my right hand.

I confidently walked out my room, down the long case of stairs with my heels grabbing everyone's attention.

"Finally you bring a boy around. I started to think you and Amy were a thing. She's the last person I'd want you with." My dad stared at me walking down the stairs and scoffed as he turned to Amy. 
"Rude." She rolled her eyes and huffed.
I heard a small laugh come from the corner, and when I turned, there he was.

Wayne was standing there. His hair slicked back with a strand sticking out. A tight black tux that hugged his figure very well. He had a black button up under and a matte black tie gripped around his neck. He had on his church shoes, and a watch on his left wrist.

I thought he looked hot in just a crew neck and sweats, but this.... this tux was doing something to me.

Dont. You. Even. Evelyn.

"Oh shut up old man." I rolled my eyes as I reached the last step.

"Ugh, Evelyn you look absolutely gorgeous!" My mom gasped and tackled me with a hug.
"But I look better." She winked as she pulled away.
"Now go stand together. I need a picture." Amber pointed to Wayne. He let out a sigh and came towards my direction.

He was now standing in front of me, and I looked up to him.
"Wayne." I plainly said.
"Evelyn." A smirk formed on his lips as he stared into my eyes.

"Ugh whatever, just get out of here!" Nathan groaned, coming out of the hall.

Wayne lightly grabbed my hand and walked us towards the front door.
I said my last goodbyes to my family as I closed the door behind me.

The couple seconds we were outside alone were the most awkward seconds I've ever lived.

"Red hair?" He asked, opening the car door for me.

I totally forgot I had even dyed my hair, and that he was the first person in my school to see it.

I didn't use my words. I just nodded as I held on the handle to get in the car. I reached over to grab my seatbelt, but before I could grab it myself, Wayne had stretched it over my body, clicking it in the hole as he hovered over me.

I gave him a confused look, hoping he'd realize I was lost on why he put on my seatbelt for me.

"I think it looks good, cherry." He said before slamming the door and walking over to his side.


Please don't tell me he has a stupid nickname for me, gosh that'd  be terrible.

He jumped into his car, not buckling his seatbelt at all, which gave me an idea.

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