Chapter 1

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"This wasn't how I pictured the night going."

You grunted, holding your side as you walked through the alley. Crime fighting really wasn't as fun as everyone seemed to think. There were good days, and then there were days like this, where you'd dodged a bullet, literally. Your most recent engagement wasn't as simple. What you thought to be just a few drug dealers cutting a deal to sell weapons was in fact an organization moving equipment into the country. 

They weren't especially happy when you blew up their entire shipment. That's when the gunshots started. You winced at the blood rushing down your arm, clutching the injured limb. Although you managed to avoid any fatal injuries, one of the shots did connect, not to mention you had to fight off half a dozen men just to get out of there. Your body was battered and hurt, the only thing really keeping you up was your sheer will to make it back to your apartment before you passed out on the street from blood loss.

When you hands grazed the wall, you froze, titling your head. "Come out, I know you're there." There was nothing but silence for a few moments, then you heard a voice.

"Dudes how did she know we were here, we're ninjas!" You heard a smack, and then a grumble as the individuals made themselves known.

"One...two, three four.."

Four of them. You straightened your form, Sliding your foot forward slightly, just to get a feel of your environment. If they were a threat, your hope was you could use something close by to fight back. The action gave you a general idea of what was around, it also gave you a slight sense of alarm. The vibrations from their movements weren't making sense. 

"These guys are...huge." 

You clenched your fists, ready for anything.

"Stand down, we aren't trying to pick a fight, My brother saw you struggling, seems you need a hand."

"What are you?" Their heartbeats were all echoing in sync, and the size couldn't be real. Maybe your senses were messed up from the beating you'd taken.

"Heh, should have expected that." Another voice cut in.

"Be nice Raph, she's hurt." You were still guarded, and when one of them took a step forward, you braced your hands in front of your face.

"I promise you I won't hurt you." You don't know what was crazier, the fact that these people were apparently giants, or possibly the way you felt reassured by the tenderness of his voice.

"Leo!" you're head darted in the direction of the voice further away. Leo took a step over to him, and there was another pause.

"You're blind." surprise was evident on your face. Your eyes were blocked by the dark cloth, so how did he know. Who were these people? You didn't like this.

"That's crazy, how can she be blind, she looks like that picture I was reading about a few days ago. You know the vigilante."

"We're the vigilantes numnut!!" Another smack.

"No brah! That daredevil dude, now that I think about it she's a girl. Everyone thought it was a guy.."

You took a few steps back, and one of them took one in your direction, reaching for you. "Wait you're bleeding and we-" you grabbed his outstretched hand, raising your other hand to strike him in the chest but it collided with a hard surface. You gasped, pulling back your now bruised knuckles. "W-What the hell..." His chest was as hard as rock. His arm too, it didn't feel human at all. It felt...scaly.

You needed to think fast. Turning your head, your fingers twitched.


They all had weapons, but the one to the right had something you could use to get the upper hand. With a swift jump, you used the wall to pivot yourself in the air. As you flipped over, you grabbed the blade right out the strap he had it secured in. He turned in shock and as he moved forward, you pointed it at the other male's neck. Everyone was still. 

AU Blind Murdock Reader x Leonardo- (TMNT2014/2016)Where stories live. Discover now