Chapter 7

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~Two Months Later~

"It's in your left hand."

"Damn she got it again!!"

You smiled at Mikey, and he tossed the candy into his mouth.

"Alright Mikey, it isn't a magic show stop messing with her." you grin at Leo's comment.

"I don't mind. It actually helps sharpen my senses."

Leo just shakes his head, a small smile playing on his lips. Mikey was pretty easy to keep entertained. He jumped from his spot, giving you a high five as he moved to the game console to occupy his time. 

You turned in his direction, the smile never leaving your face. Although you couldn't see him, just listening to his voice, you could almost picture him. How could someone shoulder so much and still be so cheerful all the time. It was amazing, inspirational even.

You gripped the cane in your hand, leaning your head to the left.

"Leo?" There was a quick strum of his heartbeat, and your brows knitted in confusion.

"Everything okay?" You could have been imagining it, but he was acting pretty weird lately. He kept lingering around you, when you trained together it was different too. You couldn't quite put your finger on it.

"I should probably leave you to it." He didn't wait for you to even form a reply, he was already leaving. You frowned, baffled at the strange behavior.

"Don't take it personal, Leo's weird like that." Raph stepped over giving you a pat on the shoulder. "If you ask me though, I think he has a cr-"

"RAPH! C-Can you help me with this please." Donnie's stuttering voice made you raise a brow, and Raph grumbled walking over reluctantly. "You know I'm no good at this tech stuff." he groused. You were left standing there, perplexed.

"Leo has a what?" With all you were capable of, you honestly thought it made reading people easier. But it was still a slight mystery. Or maybe you hadn't quite mastered all your talents yet. What you did know though, Leo was definitely keeping something from you. You were going to find out what.

You followed in his direction, determined for some answers. It's been just two months. So much had changed. Your perspective on life, it was completely different from before, and you had the turtles to thank for that. In the beginning you convinced yourself that you were fighting for the city. Your father never wanted you to follow in his footsteps, that is why you worked so hard at school. You did your part to ensure you could pursue a healthy career. 

But when he died, because of your selfish wish for him to win that stupid match, you couldn't think of what else you could do. You needed to do something to make up for his death. To fill that hole in your chest. So you fought. For people who couldn't fight for themselves. That's how it started. Somewhere along the way you stopped caring about your own well being. It wasn't really your tolerance for pain, it was more like your disregard for your own health. You didn't care about the hits your body was constantly taking. You just..wanted it to end.

If you hadn't met the turtles, that would have still been your mindset.

Their optimism, positivity,, it's what has completely rewritten the world for you. You didn't have to be alone. You didn't have to hurt. You could be a part of something more, and still make a difference. That's what you thought. Your head lowered. Leo's behavior made you question if you'd done something to offend or possibly sway his trust in you.

You couldn't recall such a thing happening. The start of your partnership was tough, maybe more on your part. Trust issues kind of did that. But you were better now. Or so you thought.

A gentle knock to his door.


It creaks open, and you can feel where he stands, just a few meters away. His hand stills from his present action.

"(Y/N), is something wrong?" you close the door. "I was about to ask you that, you've been acting weird. So I came to find out why."

"Nothing's wrong, I'm fine." You stop walking, a bit stunned by something. There's a change in his voice. One that Leo's never used before.

"You're lying."

Leo had never once lied to you, and now you're a bit terrified. Did you really do something to jeopardize your relationship with him?

Leo spots the panic that's clear on your face and before you can overthink it, he makes his way over to you, you're a bit scared of what he's going to say. Does he not want to work with you anymore? He rests his hands on your shoulders gently to calm you down, and your head raises. This is one of the few times you wish you could see. You want to read his expression, find some kind of indication of what he's going to say. What he needs to say.

"Leo I-"

"I can't do this anymore." 

Your heart almost stops at the statement. There's a little part of your mind that tells you to run as fast as you can. You don't want to hear the rest. It's your biggest fear. You finally manage to trust someone again and it's stolen from you. Your body nearly goes into autopilot, but the strumming that rings in your ears, it stops you. You swallow as you begin to make out just what it is and where it's coming from. It's a heartbeat. You catch every quick increase.

"I can't continue to pretend that I don't have feelings for you (Y/N)."

This is far from what you thought. You're not sure what to say, because for the longest while, you sort of forgot that you're a teenage girl. When was the last time you even felt like one. A warrior, that's been your title since you realized what you were capable of. How does someone as amazing as Leo fall for someone as broken as you.

 It doesn't make sense, this doesn't make sense. Hell, didn't guys like that whole damsel in distress thing, and what about sex appeal. You were covered in scars for goodness sake. Not all visible, but still very much there.

"You...y-you can't..that's...I'm not.." 

You're not even pretty. Damn you didn't even know, the last time you saw your reflection was when you were ten. You backtrack to try and evaluate all of this. You can't get your mind to focus and because of your current predicament, you don't even register the bed. The back of your knee hits the bottom of the bed, and you fall back in shock. 

Leo notices, moving to help. He stops when he notices there's no clear danger, but your flustered expression, it just increases his heart rate, and that jump starts yours. Leo is still partially leaning over the bed, hand pressed into the side of the mattress right at your side. You can feel him, and it leaves you breathless, and red faced. Were you really blushing. You didn't think you were capable of such a thing.

"You..really have no idea how amazing you are, how beautiful..." His whispers just make the color in your cheeks worse, and you're angry at your heart. It just won't slow down. He lowers unto his elbows slowly, and you feel a bit paralyzed in this moment. What do you do? You've never been in this position. Leo is now face to face with you. His other hand rests on your cheek, and you've regained some movement.

"L-Leo you-" his finger runs along your lower lip, and you tremble with want. 

Why the hell does it feel so damn good to be touched by him?

"I know how I feel about you (Y/N), I think I've known the minute you took off that mask." 

His head turns, and now you feel his breath gently wafting over your lips. He's right there. Probably mere inches away. If you move just a little, you can close the distance and claim them, claim him.

"But I won't do anything until you're ready." 

You haven't even noticed that your hands have been trembling. Leo apparently has, and all at once, his touch disappears. He lets out a soft breath. 

"I'm willing to wait (Y/N), because I care about you, and you're more than worth it." 

You're in awe, and you can tell it takes everything in him to walk away from this moment, but he does. And your left lying there, reconsidering all that's happened that led to this point. 

AU Blind Murdock Reader x Leonardo- (TMNT2014/2016)Where stories live. Discover now