Chapter 5

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"So let me get this straight, there isn't a threat?" When you got the call from turtles, your first thought was some kind of danger was rising. You'd even come decked down in your suit. Upon making it to the roof, all you could hear was one set of footsteps. Leo's. His heart rate was steady, no sense emergency.

"I thought you could use a break from it, especially after that last case." you frown.

"I'm fine. It isn't my first time dealing with scumbag like that. He's lucky I called the cops too. " you wanted to do a lot more damage than you were able to. After what he did to his daughter he should have been eating out of a straw.

"Even so, I think we should talk about it. That can't be healthy. Dealing with all that on your own." your body shifted, and you tracked his breathing, heartbeat, pulse. You were trying to get at least one indication of why he was doing this.

"What's this really about?"

His breathing shifted, and so did his feet.

"I guess I..I'm no good at trying to hide stuff from you. "

"I'm disabled not stupid. I feel like I have to keep reminding you guys." Leo's eyes scanned your form. Thinking of you, disabled wasn't exactly the word that came to mind.

"Pretty.." He swallowed, shaking the thought off. "Get a grip she can read you like a map, don't give anything away."

So his call wasn't completely innocent. It would be a blatant lie to say he didn't truly admire you. Your age, drive and resilience, he'd only ever seen such discipline from Splinter. He always tried to follow in the ways his father taught him, the way he tried to get his brothers to follow. The world was a dangerous and cruel place. As much as he knew, there was still a whole other side that he didn't acknowledge until that day with you. Still you were facing it headstrong without complaint. Long before you met them too. You saw the most horrible things, yet you still tried to assist. That night he started to question what it is he really was dedicating his life to? Was this world really worth helping if there were men like that, doing such terrible things?

You seem to think so, and after having a very needed conversation with Splinter, it just made him look up to you that much more. The beginning, his goal was merely to help you that one night, then walk away. But as the days kept rushing by, that perspective of protection turned to concern. Then concern turned to understanding, acceptance and shortly after, care. He cared about you. Maybe a little too much.

"Why are you acting so strange, your heart rate just increased, are you sure you're okay?" Leo was starting to worry you.

He needed to constantly remind himself that you weren't like most teenage girls. The way you read all his body reactions all the time was a bit unnerving. He didn't say a word for a while. You just let out a sigh of understanding.

"You don't have to pretend Leo, I already know."

"Y-You do!"

"I get it, that last one, it must have been a shock to your system." That giant rat should have been more open to them.

Leo paused. "She thinks it's about.." It was better if you assumed that was the case. He wasn't ready to start unloading his inner feelings to you. You moved to the edge of the rooftop, taking a seat, and Leo found himself following.

"I know I act like nothing affects me most days, but that's not the way it always is. " Leo folded his legs, listening attentively. "So how do you deal with it?" He'd always been good at compartmentalizing, but this, this was different. It was harder for him to separate himself from it, because that was an innocent girl. Not a few thugs robbing a bank, or vandalizing private property.

"I try to focus on the things I can control, if that doesn't work I try to find as many criminals and punch the shit out of them." Leo smiled at that, and so did you. You released a little giggle, and Leo prayed to the heavens that you missed the skip of his heart at the cute song that filled his ears. He always knew you were dangerous, from the day he met you. But this was a different kind of danger.

Your giggles died down, and you turned to his general direction. "It's..a lot harder because of all I hear. For me, sometimes I swear that I can feel the pain that these people go through. The fear that rushes when someone is scared, the harsh intakes of a woman who's been hurt, I internalize it all. If I can't find a way to work through it, then those people crying out for help, they just become another voice that's ignored. Lately it feels a lot easier to get through." you had a feeling your new team had a lot to do with that.

"It's better when you..have people you can rely on. Thank you Leonardo."

He couldn't take all the credit. "That's what family does (Y/N), you never have to thank me."

"Family." at that very moment, you wished you could see his face, his eyes. What kind of emotion was he conveying right now. Your heart let off a swift beat, and your mouth fell open, a bit surprised.

Leo blinked at your awed expression.


You cleared your throat, directly your head elsewhere.

"Thanks." you mutter. It was all you could muster.

"What the hell was that..." Thank goodness he didn't hear it. It was so loud, but you knew that was mainly due to your heightened hearing. one had ever elicited such a response from you, much less a male.

"It's nothing." you don't want to read too much into it.

You were partners, that's all. 

AU Blind Murdock Reader x Leonardo- (TMNT2014/2016)Where stories live. Discover now