Chapter 6

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"I could take them all out. Don't even need help." 

You stopped being impressed at Raph's lack of self control.

"Alright Raph, slow down we're doing this together. Isn't that why we decided to work as a team."

"Also because there are over a dozen people in there with guns. " All heads turned in your direction. "And how would you know that." Raph challenged.

"I would explain but your undeveloped brain may have a problem comprehending it." Raph snarled, and Leo pressed a hand to his shoulder to calm him down.

"Everyone take a breath, we're on the same side."

"If she keeps making those smartass comments we won't be for long." Raph muttered. Leo sighed in annoyance. "Yeah, and how many drug rings have you taken down? This isn't like your little petty crimes you're used to. These are real criminals. Killers. Really think you can do this on your own muscle head?"

Through your short alliance, you and Raph still seemed at odds.

"Can we please get this done sometime today." Mikey said with a grin. Donnie was pretty much ready to do the same. Raph still had a pissed look on his face, turning his head. He may not have liked it, but he was listening.

"(Y/N), tell us what to do." Leo realized by now that your instincts and information were very helpful. They were ninjas, so they usually handled organizations pretty well. Stealth and strength was always good skills to have. But with your added abilities, they have such a bigger advantage. You were sort of like their secret weapon. As the days passed, Leo was starting to see you as less of a warrior, and more of a person. You were tough, much like them, yet sometimes he barely acknowledged the fact that you were a girl, or even blind. At the end of the day, you were human. Much like everyone else. Even if you tried your hardest not to show it.

"Here's what we're going to do."


The end product wasn't so bad. Raph pretty much pummeled half of them on his little anger spree. The job was done, and all you ended up with was a small cut just above your eyebrow. Nothing a few stitches couldn't fix. You'd plan to just clean it up and let it heal on its own, but Leo insisted on helping, so you obliged, just to make him feel good.

"You really are a piece of work." Leo chuckled under his breath as he ran the cloth over brow, wiping the blood away. You didn't even flinch, and Leo studied you. You were sitting on his bed as he cleaned your wound. As he continued to work, he couldn't help but notice your features. Everything about you was so raw. 

Your personality, skills. You were blunt and somewhat of a tough case to crack. Looking at you, no one would guess half of what you'd been through. His guess was you mastered the art of pretending to be okay years ago. You lived a life unlike any teenage girl your age could imagine, or should even have to live.

You should have been enjoying your life. Going out with friends, binge watching television shows, having fun. All the things he saw on tv. Yet your life was filled with nothing but pain and blood.

"Why did you leave Hell's Kitchen?"

You opened your eyes, brows knitting. You didn't like this. Opening up. It wasn't safe, at least not to you.

"I got bored, besides, someone else got that part of town protected. If you think daredevil is bad, they should meet the Punisher. " 

Your first meeting with Fran Castle wasn't the best. But she wasn't wrong. Certain people didn't deserve to live. That wasn't you though, you'd never been able to just take a life. Didn't mean you were gonna stop her from getting rid of the trash. It wasn't your problem anymore.

"Are you going to answer my question?" you frowned.

"Why are you so interested in me anyway, what's it matter why I left!" Leo expected the reaction. It was a delicate subject. He realized that now.

"I'm just trying to learn more about you. We've been partnered up for weeks and I thought this would be a good way to break the ice."

"Yeah right, you can try that good nature bullshit with your brothers but not me, you think you can fix me. What, you want me to pour out my heart to you like some sad little kid, and then you'll say some inspirational shit that'll make it all better! Is that it."

"I wasn't trying to-"

"I lost my dad okay!! Is that what you want to hear!" I'm a broken disabled girl and the only reason I punch holes into douchebags is because I hate myself and I enjoy hurting people!!I HATE MYSELF SO I TAKE IT OUT ON OTHER PEOPLE!!" your shoulders were heaving, and you stood, knocking the bottle of rubbing alcohol off the table he had set up in front of you.

"I'm pathetic and weak and worthless and-" Leo grabbed your arm, halting the rest of words that were about to leave your mouth. You froze, still panting from your outburst.

"You're not worthless or pathetic, or broken." you huffed waiting for the tremor to spot his lie, but there was none. Not a skip, or tremble of his heart. He...truly believed that. He wasn't just lying to reassure you.

" don't even know me.."

"I know enough to see that you don't enjoy doing this. You don't go out there fighting because you take pleasure in it. And you're far from worthless, or pathetic. You're strong (Y/N), far stronger than me. You face every issue head on, and I think the reason you're so angry is because until now, you've always done it alone. But you don't have to (Y/N). When you joined us, we didn't just become a team. We're family (Y/N). Hell you and Raph already argue like siblings." Despite yourself, you laughed softly, rubbing at your eyes. 

"You're brave, strong, resilient, and amazing." His words made you speechless. When his hand loosened around your wrist, you couldn't stop yourself. You dove forward, running into his arms. This time, Leo was the one who froze. He knew just about enough to notice how much you avoided intimacy, physical contact. But the way you clutched unto him, he understood. You didn't hate it, you'd just been starved of it. Slowly, his arms wrapped around your smaller form. He ran a hand down your back, and you sighed in content. Leo smiled.

"Thank you..." he barely heard it. It was just above a whisper.

"No problem." 

AU Blind Murdock Reader x Leonardo- (TMNT2014/2016)Where stories live. Discover now