Chapter 2

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The good thing about being blind was no one ever questioned when you walked in with a bruised eye or swollen cheek. You'd simply say you walked into something, or someone, and the person questioning you would immediately get uncomfortable and drop the conversation. This particular someone being your homeroom teacher.

"W-Well please take your seat." 

So you did, sitting quietly. The little murmurs always sounded so loud in your ear, you'd long learnt to shut it out.

You grimaced when you reached under the desk to get your book.

"Damn it." you'd managed to completely cover your arm, you didn't need anyone asking why you were bleeding. Worse yet, realizing you had a bullet wound.

You encounter last night was still fresh in your mind. You barely believed it.


"She's waking up, step back!"

"What? That's impossible she should be out for a couple days."

"Guys let her breathe."

The number of voices around you wasn't helping, especially since you had very little recollection of what happened, or where you were.

You took a few calming breaths, getting worked up wasn't going to help. If you panicked, it would be harder to focus on anything.


That was the name you recalled, the one the others kept calling. The leader, he had to be.

"Leonardo." your tone surprised them all, and they took a step back. You supposed they didn't expect you to be so calm. You felt a little more relieved at the steady beats of their hearts. So far so good, no threat.

"I'm Leonardo. I'm surprised you remembered, you were pretty out of it. "

"You helped me.." Saved you was more like it. Your senses were slowly coming back. You could feel the cloth on your arm. They'd thoroughly covered the wound in gauze. From the feel of it, they got the bullet out too.

"Of course we did, I'm Mikey by the way. We're always down for helping a fellow vigilante!" That same excited voice from before. So you didn't imagine it. Their weapons or their size. The one behind you kept shifting, you could feel the unease just oozing off him.

"Is there something bothering you, I can feel you squirming. It's distracting." He huffed. Didn't need sight to know you'd struck a nerve.

"You're lucky we didn't just leave you out there for the police!" you could understand why he was upset, you did hold a blade to his brother.

"I'm sorry about earlier." If there was one thing you weren't, it was ungrateful. Whoever, or whatever they were, they didn't just save your life, but also your identity. You straightened from your spot on the bed. "Thank you for helping me." The little grunt was an indication that the angry one was still mad, but Leonardo sounded relieved. "You're welcome. I have to admit, you took us by surprise. Usually we're the ones leaving others speechless. But you..are you really.."

"Blind? Yes." 

It was always uncomfortable for others. You figured they didn't like asking, maybe as much as you liked being treated like a cripple. Something else you appreciated is the fact that your mask was still intact. You finger glided over the top, and Leo caught the action.

"We didn't move it, I swear."

"I believe you." you didn't even hesitate, slipping your fingers under the dark fabric as you pulled it off.

AU Blind Murdock Reader x Leonardo- (TMNT2014/2016)Where stories live. Discover now