Chapter 3

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"Bitch!!" You grunted, avoiding another punch and firing one of your own.

Let's just say your current assailant wasn't too happy with you stopping his little side job. Human trafficking was apparently common for them. Evil bastards. With a swift kick, you knocked him right off his feet. His head hit the concrete harshly, and from the slow breaths, you could tell he was unconscious. You tried gathering your breath for a second, but more thugs were coming. Not a lot of time to rest, just react. You took a few punches, countered as much as you could. Even on your best nights, there was never a point where you left unscathed.

The lash that landed on your stomach brought you to your knees, and you gasped when the male kneed you in the jaw. You fell back, heaving slightly.

"You cost us a whole lot of money you little menace. Should have stayed in Hell's Kitchen." The man standing over you stomped on your ribs, and his friends gathered around, kicking you on either side. With clenched teeth, you blocked as much as you could until you could get a hold of him. Gripping his ankle, you twisted and he screamed. Now with them distracted, you jumped to your feet, tackling another male to the ground. 

Not anticipating it, he tumbled, and you clocked him in the face immediately. A few more ruthless punches and he was out. You turned, hearing the last man behind you, yelling as he charged. You fully prepared to respond, but something was coming in his direction, quickly too. You skidded to the side, just hearing the metal collide with his head as he fell too.

"You just can't stay out of trouble can you."

That cocky voice, you knew that voice.

"I don't know Raph, I think she helped us. Give her some credit."

There was no doubt, it was them. One by one you could hear their feet hit the ground.

You raised to your feet shakily, wiping the blood from your lips. You could hear a bit of shuffle, they were tying up the men you'd knocked out.

"You can rest easy, the police will be here soon. You should probably get out of here before they come." Leo spoke.

"Leonardo..." so a part of your mind was still trying to wrap your head around the whole mutant thing. It would take a while.

"Why don't we team up, we're both on the same side!" Mikey was as excited as the first time you met.

"He isn't wrong. We all care about this city. You don't have to keep fighting alone. " He was right, you knew that, but the idea of working with people, depending on them, trusting them...the last time you did that your mentor left you. Stick wasn't big on feelings, or caring it seemed. Getting close to these guys, it would only cause unnecessary issues.

"I'm fine on my own."

"Yeah, sure you are. Just look at you. Last time you almost died from blood loss. Now you wanna act all tough. Suit yourself. Next time you get cornered, we won't be around to save your ass." Raph really knew how to get on your good side.

He must have assumed you would reply with as much hostility that he just let off, but you turned, flexing your fingers and limping away. "I don't need anyone. " You were fine when you lost your dad, when Stick left. You'd be fine. As long as you kept fighting, you would be okay. You have to be okay.

"I be okay.."

You held back the sob that threatened to leave, not even willing to chance a look as you forced your body to move forward.

Raph watched, feeling a tad bit guilty now. They all did.

You were dragging your right foot behind, and although you were a short distance now, they could hear the quiet whimpers you tried to keep in.

Leonardo felt his heart clench painfully.

You were young, burdening so much, and what was worse, you had no one. At least in the shadows, they had each other. They had family. From the looks of it, you weren't as fortunate. He knew just how cruel the world could be to people who were different. After joining the NYPD, they felt like they were slowly but surely making progress. But you were nothing like them. You faced everyday in the light, probably getting trampled over for your disability, yet still going out every night to fight for a better day. That kind of burden, it would crush an adult, so the fact that you were doing it at such an age, it was terrifying.

Leo clenched his fists, eyes steady as he marched over in your direction.

"L-Leo I really don't think you should.." Donnie knew his warning would fall on deaf ears, but he still tried. When Leo was standing right in front of you, you stopped, wiping your hand under your nose, trying to keep your voice down. 


There was a tremble in your voice, despite your attempt to keep it strong.

"I'm not going anywhere until you agree to join with us. I don't care if you think you work best alone, or that it is easier to be on your own. You're tired, and if you keep going like this, you'll die, and I can't let that happen. So either you join us, or I fight you right here. Either way, we're teaming up."

"Dick." you grumbled. Leo just smiled. "I've been called far worse. I'd take any insult if it were a guarantee that you're safe (Y/N)."

Why the hell did he have to say your name like that.

Like he cared. He barely even knew you.

"So, you're gonna fight, or you're gonna let us help."

You wanted to deny his help, if nothing but to avoid future heartache when they decided you weren't worth the effort being around. But the warmth that emitted from his words, they gave you a slight hope.

And that's what scared you the most.



What else could you do? You couldn't exactly fight him in your state. You were just tired.

You could only take the chance, and hope for the best. 

AU Blind Murdock Reader x Leonardo- (TMNT2014/2016)Where stories live. Discover now