Chapter 8 (B)- Final

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"Mikey I told you not to eat next to the console!!" 

You've lost count of how many times he's warned the male about what cheese does to the system. Mikey slurps up the pizza, raising his hands.

"Waft Pizza!"

Guilty as charged.

Hearing them argue is routine now. You love it. Something so simple meant a whole lot.

After greeting all three brothers, you're headed to the dojo. It's your ritual. Leo is almost always there, or tending to his little tree. You have no idea what type. Lack of sight kind of did that. You could have just asked him, but you never really. You liked how calm he'd be when he was trimming it. It was soothing. Your hands graze over the walls as you walk through. Upon getting to your destination, you stop at the entrance, listening for the rhythms of his breathing. It's slow, controlled. From your spot, you can tell he's sitting.

"(Y/N)." you smile. You're not sure if his eyes are open or not. But you're assuming he's just gotten so used to sensing your presence the same way you sense his. "Hey Leo, how was patrol last night?"

Usually you go out with the boys, but yesterday was an important day to you, and of course Leo understood that, so he didn't press when you told him you'd be unavailable that night.

"It was pretty quiet. I think criminals are finally getting the message. Truthfully, maybe they heard daredevil moved in and they decided to switch careers. " you snicker.

"What can I say, I have a reputation."

"Yes you do."

He wasn't wrong, crime was at an all time low. Maybe you did instill a bit of fear in the city's criminals. Leo watches you keenly, and he notices the look on your face. It's adorable, they way you seem to fidget when you want to ask a question, but unsure of how to go about it. He can't help but feel honored. You're far different from the girl he met a few months ago. He can barely believe that it's the same person. 

You seemed so cold at the start, but he knows that was just a front. A barrier to protect yourself. Getting to know you was one of the most amazing things he realized. Watching you slowly become a part of his family, rather than the warrior or vigilante everyone else saw. He was the only one who got to see this side of you. It was weirdly empowering for him. To be someone you trusted, cared about.

"Leo.." Looks like you'd finally worked up the courage to ask your question.


You take a step inside, and Leo just sits there, admiring you. He knows it's bad but sometimes he's glad you're blind. If you saw how often he'd stare at you, you'd probably be a little weirded out. But he can't help it. In his eyes, you're just so radiant.

"This might be a little weird but I..well a few weeks ago I was talking with the boys and Donnie pointed out that I'd have a general idea of what you guys look like through my hands. So they let me touch their faces, you know you walked in on it." you give a nervous chuckle, brushing your hair behind your ear. 

"I was just wondering if maybe I can..touch your face?"

He swallows. That might not be such a good idea. He wasn't sure what kind of reaction he'd have if you touched him. So far he hadn't had any troubles. When you asked for more time, he respected that. Hell he was so grateful that you were honest with him about what you wanted. It was easy for him to wait, as long as he kept you at a safe distance he'd be fine. Until now that is.

"Sure." He replied. "Come on, don't make it obvious." He had to mentally calm himself down.

That cute little smile graced your lips again, and you moved closer, taking a seat right in front of him. Your knees touched, and you raised your head. You could hear his heart so clearly. Ever harsh thump against his rib cage.

AU Blind Murdock Reader x Leonardo- (TMNT2014/2016)Where stories live. Discover now