Chapter 8 (A)

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Mikey tosses a slice, and you just step to the side as it falls flat on the floor. The orange clad turtle lets out a loud gasp, over dramatic. You just roll your eyes. 

"Can you for a minute just pretend that you know, maybe I'm blind and I'd appreciate it if you placed the food on a plate like a normal person?"

Donnie nods. "I apologize on Mikey's behalf, sometimes he forgets. I guess we all do." 

Donnie lets out a little snort, and you laugh. "I'm touched, still. Don't throw food Mikey, it's rude."

"Man, you're like a bossy little sister." Mikey comments. You can't stop the smile that graces your lips this time. It doesn't fail to warm your heart when they make statements like that. To Mikey, it may not seem like much, but to you it means the world that they actually consider you family. Raph walks up from behind you, resting his hand on your head, giving a quick pat.

"Hey kid." He knows that title annoys you, that's why he does it. There's probably a stupid smirk on his stupid face. It's then that you really think about something.

"Your face..." You have absolutely no idea what they really look like. Apart your morphed view of what the world looks like, you don't have an actual visual.

"What's that?" Donnie is sipping on a juicebox, and he just barely hears what you mutter.

"I have no idea what you guys look like." you say solemnly.

"Umm, I could be wrong but isn't that how blindness works." Mikey gets a tap on his head from Raph at the remark.

That sparks Donnie's interest. "You're right, why didn't I think of this before!" he rushes to stand right in front of you. "Feel my face!" you take a small step back at his excitement.

"Uhh are you sure?" You'd never really tested that theory, and it was kind of weird asking to feel around someone's face.

"Yes! According to what I've recorded on your abilities, you assess most of what you internalize is done kinesthetically. Therefore you should gain a very decent mental picture from the feel of our facial structure. Please, begin. " Donnie really was a scientist.

You take a seat, and Donnie is beaming with excitement. When you reach out cautiously, you don't know why you're so hesitant. Maybe it's the fact that no one's ever asked such a thing of you. The minute your hands make contact, your body straightens and you marvel at the feel of his skin. It's a bit rough, but also smooth, and the image that's slowly building in your mind, you can almost see him. Your fingers nudge the glasses perched on his face, and you apologize, but you're grinning just as wide as Donnie because it's been years. 

The only other person that you've ever felt is your father. Donnie's smile drops slowly when he sees the tears now rolling down your cheeks. 

"A-Are you okay!!" 

He's concerned that possibly he crossed a line. You hate this and he's forced you into something. The smile doesn't leave and you pitch forward, wrapping your hands around his neck. Donnie's confused. You seem happy, but you're still crying.

"Thank you Donnie.." you whisper. It's then that it hits him, and he smiles too, returning your embrace.

"You don't have to thank me."

One by one, you take chances, you're shocked that even Raph agrees to let you touch his face. Your fingers dance along his nose, down to the scar. The mental picture of Raph is pretty handsome, and maybe somewhat rough. You guess his face fits his personality perfectly. You poke his nose, letting out a giggle. This particular feature is so cute, you can't help it.

AU Blind Murdock Reader x Leonardo- (TMNT2014/2016)Where stories live. Discover now