Chapter 15

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Even though it was sunny and bright outside my mood seems to be the opposite. In fact right now I can't stand the chirping of the birds outside my window.

Before I would wake up excited for the day but now I dread it. Today is day. The day that I have to look at him in the face and say goodbye. Saying goodbye isn't the problem the real issue is him.

To say I'm afraid is an understatement I'm terrified of that man. That's all he is now just a man. A stranger who likes to prey off of innocent woman and ruin them.

I hate Logan Reed. More than anything at the moment. Grumpily I slide the blankets off my body and go into the bathroom.

After doing my business I freeze at the mirror and sigh. I look terrible. My eyes look dull and empty as they stare back at me. I place my palm against my tear stained cheek and avert my eyes.

He created this mess. Nobody wants a wife like this. I splash my face with water leaving my face red and my eyes glossy. Am I seriously crying about him?

" No stop." I rest my forehead against the mirror and inhale deeply.

I wipe away a tear that comes out and squeeze my eyes shut. Or is it that I'm disappointed to say bye?

Why am I going to miss him? Why am I going to miss his kisses. His captivating smile and even his frown that leaves a crease between his forehead.

That's it isn't it? I'm going to miss him.. I pull my hair into a bun and the memory of him pulling it down angers me.

I walk back into the room and stop at my bed noticing a small box. I pick it up and gasp at the item inside.

" Ms.Hardwick told me to give it to you. It's from Tom Taylor." I hear Carly's voice behind me and I clear my throat.

" I'm still mad at you." I trace my finger over the beautiful diamonds on the ring. My wedding ring.

" He wasn't a good man Morgan." She whispers coming closer and I step back.

" You betrayed me Carly and that's unforgivable." I reply shaking my head.

" I'm sorry." She looks down and although she looks sorry I see through it.

" I wish you really were." I tell her and turn away going into the closet. After putting on my uniform I go back to my bed picking the ring up.

" Here's to new beginnings." I slip on the ring and grab my school supplies.


" Morgan honey can you go grab some supplies from the store?" Mrs. Blue hands me a list and I nod.

" Yes Mrs. Blue." I mutter then grab my coat off the rack and head out.

I begin to walk the path to the store at freeze at a place. The ally that Logan saved me in. I step into the ally and find a spot of blood probably from the gross man.

An unfamiliar feeling takes over me and my heart clutches. I slide my body down on the ground and let out a sob.

I'm supposed to believe Logan's a bad person but something is telling me other wise.

I just can't imagine Logan making me a victim to one of his schemes. Even though I haven't known him that long it just doesn't seem possible.

" Miss are you ok?" A husky voice asks and I jump up startled. Sliding my hands across my tears wiping them away I look up.

The first thought that popped into my head was that it was the man who tried to assault me. But as I look up I'm reassured.

This man is unbelievably handsome. No maybe beyond handsome. He isn't as striking as Logan but he's close. He bends down and pushes my hair behind my ear then helps me up.

" Are you alright?" He asks again when I'm standing upright.

" Yes, thank you." I smile politely and he returns the gesture.

" Now why is a beautiful woman like you sitting in the cold crying?" His words bring a blush to my cheeks and I laugh.

" Nothing really it's silly." I bite my lip and his curve into a smile.

" How about you come grab a cup of hot chocolate with me. Then you tell me your story and I'll be the judge of that." He offers and I consider saying no till I shrug.

" Ok." I say then follow him out to the coffee shop across the street. The little bells ring as we walk in and a drift of warm air hits me.

" Here I'll go get it you find a spot." He says and I find a small booth along the window.

When he comes back and hands me my drink. I smile and take a sip feeling the refreshing liquid slide down my throat.

" So what's your story?" He asks and I frown at my cup.

" Oh come on it can't be that bad." He leans forward examining my features. I also take the time to look at him more clearly.

His beautiful light shade of grey eyes. Long eyelashes that brush against his cheeks when he blinks. His dark hair neatly pushed the side.

" Enjoy what you see." He chuckles and I blush.

" Maybe a little, but why do you want to know?" I ask and his tongue slides across his lip.

" I want to help you." He says and I nod before opening my mouth.

" I live in place to where everything is perfect. The life style to the grades to even us. One day I went on an errand to the store. And this guy saved me from somebody. Ever since then I went on crazy adventures to break rules. We had rules of our own two though. One of them was to not fall in love.." I pause and brush my hair out of my face.

" But you did." The guy says and I look up nodding.

" Sometimes rules are meant to be broken." I say and he smiles but still looks confused.

" How is that a problem though?" He asks and I sigh.

" Some people found out and I was forbidden to see him. I also found some horrible news about him." My eyes begin to tear up.

The man doesn't push me for any more instead he grabs my hand and squeezes it.

" You know sometimes you just miss the memory not the person." He whispers and I nod.

" Thank you." I smile and he kisses my hand softly.

" You know I never introduced myself." I blush from his kiss and he chuckles.

" I'm Morgan. Morgan Carter." I say and he smiles.

" Funny you that, because I'm Tom Taylor."



Hey guys ! So I decided to be nice and update early, because I want to get to the good stuff. So what did you think ?

Could you predict that it was him or was it a surprise. I bet that would be awkward saying you love someone else to your fiancé.

Anywho please vote and comment. Thanks !!!!!!!

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