Chapter 4

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We step out of the car and I look up at a tall building in front of us. There's no other buildings or cars around. To get here we had to get off the road and drive onto a dirt road. I'm starting to think that he's going to murder me.

" What are we doing here ? " I ask him looking around. " Are you planning on killing me ?"

" I'm not going to kill you ." Logan starts to walk to the side of the building and I follow him up a ladder. When he gets to the top he helps pull me up.

" Are you sure your not going to kill me ?" I let out an awkward laugh and look down at my feet.

" If I wanted to kill you I would have already."

" Ok,thats good to know. Why are we up here ?" I ask . He doesn't reply but sits down at the ledge of the building and I widen my eyes.

" What are you doing ? Are you crazy you could fall !" I lecture but don't raise my voice.

" Sit ." He commands and I laugh slightly and step back.

" Sorry but no ." I say and he doesn't even turn to look at me . So he wants to do it the hard way. Well it's not going to work on me I can be pretty stubborn when I want to be.

When I get tired of standing around I sigh then stomp over to him and sit down . He slightly smiles and I try to avoid looking at the ground.

" Your not going to fall carter ."

" You don't know that ." I tell him .

" Ready for lesson number one ?" He says and I raise my eyebrows.

" Lesson ?" I ask .

" Yes lesson . I'm not going to let you go out there and not be prepared ."

I was about to reply until I get pushed off the ledge and I let out a scream as I go over the building. Logan grabs my arm though stilling me.

" Pull me up ." I scream looking down and I start to think that I would puke. Luke was still sitting down and holding my dangling body.

He pulls me up and I cling onto him for a second before I push him and stand up to leave.

" Leaving already ?"

" You pushed me." I grit my teeth together and turn around to look at him. He stands up and walks over to me to where he's right in front of me.

" Lesson number one is trust. In order for this to work your going to have to trust me. I was never going to let you fall." He tells me and pulls out his cigarettes .

I snatch them from him and throw it over the ledge watching it get smaller and smaller.

" What the hell was that for ?" He snaps at me .

" If this is going to work your not going to do that ." I say and he scoffs .

" Fine if you want to set up some rules then I have some of my own ." He smirks .

" Go ahead." I step closer to him confidently .

" Your hair has to be down ." He reaches behind me and pulls my hair out of it's bun setting it free.

" No smoking . Hand over your lighter ." I say and he rolls his eyes then digs in his pocket handing me his lighter. I stick it in my back pocket and he steps closer to me.

" No more of these clothes ." He points at my uniform and I nod.

I step forward to where our chests touch . " Try being nice ."

" No promises sweetheart . Anything else ?" He asks and I shake my head.

" Good because I have one more. On weekends your going to come and stay with me ." He says and I glare at him.

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