Chapter 9

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" What is this place?" I ask as Logan drags me into the sand.

" A beach party." He smiles at me then leads me into the center of where everyone is dancing. I grin to myself happily. I've never been to a party before.

The people around us dance to the beat and I stand there awkwardly. A girl rubs her body against another male and I look away.

" Here just move your body to the music." He places his firm hands onto my waist. He begins to sway my hips from side to side and I begin to dance by myself.

" There you go." He says and I smile back sheepishly. I begin to dance a little faster now feeling more confident. Until someone places their hands on me making me freeze.

Logan takes a step forward and pulls me away into his body. Pushing me behind him protectively.

" Do not put your hands on her ever again." Logan calmly but icily tells someone.

I peek around his back examining the man in front of us. The man gives Logan a lazy smirk and waves at me.

" Looks like that's her choice not yours." The man slurs his voice.

Logan steps forward but I wrap my hand around his arm stopping him. "I'm thirsty can we get a drink?" I yell over the music.

He narrows his eyes at the man and nods. " I'm sorry ." I say once we leave the sea of bodies.

" Are you ok ?" Logan asks handing me a water.

" Reed if I'm not mistaken you sound worried right now." I raise an eyebrow. He grabs a can from a counter.

" Me worried. Keep dreaming Carter." His remark hurts my feelings but I play it off with a smile.

" Yeah I'm fine. All he did was put his hands on my waist like you did." I reply and he grips his drink can.

" Hey what is that drink?" I ask him.

" This dear Carter is alcohol." He takes another sip and I bite my lip.

" Can I have some?" Hesitantly I ask. He cocks his head to the side and draws out a long hmmmmm.

" Only if you promise me something." He says and my stomach fills up with butterflies.

" Ok," I nod. He hands me his drink and I place my lips onto the rim tasting the mint from his lips. Tilting my head back I take a drink feeling it burn as it goes down my throat. My face turns sour and I scrunch up my nose.

" That wa-"

" Shh you haven't heard my part of the deal yet." His fingertips touch my tingling lips.

" Then tell me." I say against his fingertips.

" For you to let loose tonight." He grabs a beer and hands it to me. I grab it and for once I let myself loose.

Song for this chapter is thinking out loud by Ed sheeren...

" Senior mustache have you seen my nose?" I giggle and place my hands on my hips.

" You are absolutely wasted." Logan mutters and I laugh harder. The first slow song of the night comes on and I grin.

" Let's dance." I tug on his arm.

" No way. You had too many drinks to the head Carter. I don't dance." He says and I pout.

" Fine I'll dance with someone else." I walk in the middle of the dance floor. Someone taps my shoulder and I turn around.

" I thought you don't dance." I smartly say.

" This is an expectation." He puts his hands on my waist and I put mine on his shoulders. With a slow soft motion we sway back and forth. Then Logan grabs my hand spinning me in two circles. Giggling I begin to twirl him around.

He puts his hands on my shoulders steadying himself. Someone bumps into from the back and I fall into Logan. He wraps his arms around me keeping me in balance as our noses brush against each other. My eyes meet his and the alcohal makes me move closer to where our lips are almost touching. The song ends and we pull away.

" We should go." Logan says and I grin.

"Kk!" I grin then run in the opposite direction of the car.

" Carter wrong way!" He yells and I giggle.

" I know!" I half slur half shout. I kick off my flip flops feeling the sand in between my toes. It feels just like how the stories explained it.

" Carter !" Logan shouts running towards me. I laugh and run into the ocean feeling the water reach my stomach. Logan grabs my shoulders pulling me back and I raise my eyebrows.

" God I thought you were going to drown yourself." He rakes his hands through his hair.

" I've never seen the ocean before." I grin and bend down touching the water. I'm already wet so what the heck. I dunk myself down in the water. My hair floats to above my head as I stay under the water. I like the way I feel under here. For me it's a different kind of rush then doing wild things.

My body gets pulled up and I take a big intake of breath when I resurface. I grin then tackle Logan for a hug.

" I love it here. Thank you for taking me."

" What were you thinking ! Something could have happened to you!" He scolds me and I ignore what he's saying. The light from the moon makes his eyes brighter and I reach up to ruffle his wet hair.

" You look pretty." I whisper feeling my eyes begin to droop.

" What? Woah are you alright?" He asks and I yawn.

" Yup." I pop the p. He bends down putting his arms under my legs picking me up in his arms.

" What are you doing?" I whisper then shut my eyes too tired.

" The alcohol is making you tired. I'm taking you back to the house." He says and I nod against his arms.

When we get to the car he sits me up ontop of the trunk. Then he walks over to the back of the car and pulls out a big grey hoodie and sweats.

" Your all wet. Put these on." He says and helps me down.

" Turn around." I say and he does. Tiredly I strip off my clothes and put on his.

" Done." I say and he takes my wet clothes putting it in the trunk. I let him put me in the car and I rest my head against the window slowly falling asleep. I feel logan reach over outting on my seatbelt just before I do though.

A sudden movement makes me stir and I open my eyes. Logan puts me under the blanket in his bed and turns to leave.

" Please stay." I groggily say. He turns around and his eyes meet mine before he nods and lays down next to me. He puts his arm around me drawing me closer to his body.

" You know I'm probably going to hate you in the morning." I whisper.

He doesn't say anything so I assume he's asleep.

" Its all worth it." He whispers right before I fall back asleep.



Cute chapter! Sorry for the wait. Hey if you guys can please check out my new story called " how it all happened." It's a mystery not love story btw.

Anyways please comment and like. I love how sweet Logan was in this chapter=) Thanka for reading !

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