Chapter 19

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~ Morgan ~

I lay down across my bed taking in the darkness. I stayed in Ms. Hardwicks office with Taylor all day.

I had just gotten back from signing the paperwork for the wedding. It's settled in less than three days I will be Mrs. Morgan Taylor.

Sighing I play with my ring slipping it on and off my finger. I close my eyes and think back to what happened today.

" I never said that." He calmly speaks. I look back at him and do something that shocks the both of us.

I throw my arms around him and bring him close. He sits shocked at first then wraps his arms around me.

I lay my head on his shoulder and his back slowly moves up and down.

" Is it going to be ok ?" I mutter and he doesn't reply instantly.

" I hope so." He pulls back and I smile. Me too.. I think to myself.

We both lean back against the wall and I look over at him. " Hey Taylor?"

" Hmm." His head turns towards me. I look down fumbling with my fingers then look back up.

" Tell me about her." I gently say and he lightly smiles. Not his usual Taylor smile. But his genuine happy smile.

It amazes me how just the thought of her makes him brighter. I wonder if I'll ever have someone smile about me like that.

Of course not you and Taylor are stuck together. Something in the back of my head taunts and I sigh.

" Her name is Jill and I'm absolutely in love with her." He begins and I smile. Jill..that's a pretty name.

" Tell me more." I say and he nods before speaking again.

" Her and I met a few years back at a coffee house. I remember sitting down at a booth and this pretty waitress came over. She asked for my order and blushed as she looked at me." He chuckles at the memory and I smile.

" On her way back she tripped and dropped the coffee on me. Her boss saw that and grabbed her by the hair. He yelled terrible things at her and I couldn't take it. No woman should be treated that way." A frown takes over his face.

I wonder if he knows what Logan was planning to do with me. His name digs a pit in my heart and I push away tears.

" I punched the man in the jaw and took her with me. She had no place to go. Practically lived on the streets. We dated for two years until.." He pauses and tears well up in his eyes.

" Taylor it's ok you don't have to tell me." I place my hand on his shoulder and he shakes his head.

" No, I have to." He squeezes his eyes shut. He takes a shaky breath and I grab his hand. He squeezes it back then exhales.

" Sh.. she got diagnosed with cancer a little less than a year ago. At the same time my dad passed away, and the money was sent to my mom. She agreed to pay for Jills medical help as long as I married whoever she choose. Of course I agreed. I would be crazy not to." He mutters and my heart drops.

" I'm so sorry Taylor. You really don't deserve this." I mutter feeling guilty.

" Neither do you Morgan." He tells me and I look down.

" I'll help you." I blurt out and he looks back at me confused.

" What?"

" I mean I'll help you end up with Jill. You two belong together." I clarify and he dryly laughs.

" Morgan I appreciate it but you know that's not very likely." He sadly says.

" Look I promise." I tell him and his smile brightens up a little bit.

" What would happen with you though ?" He asks and I chuckle.

" Trust me I have nothing to loose." I say and he frowns.

" Mor-" I cut him off with a laugh.

" Trust me." I say and he sighs before nodding.

" Thank you." He pulls me in for a hug and I smile.

" Hey Taylor ?" I ask one last question.

" Yeah ?" We pull away.

" How do you deal with the pain? I mean with all of this." I ask him.

" I think of her face." He says and Logan's face pops in my head.

Through all of this. Even through he hurt me badly. You can forgive but you can't ever forget. And I know that I will never forget his little kisses or the way he once made me feel.

" So what do we do?" He asks me and I think silently. I'm not completely sure what to do especially with two days.

" We will go in there and go along with the wedding for now. I'll figure out something before Thursday." I tell him and we get up.

" Ready ?" He asks me.

" Ready."

I shift on the bed and close my eyes hoping for good dreams.

" Morgan wake up." Somebody shakes my shoulder. I turn on my stomach and groan.

" Morgan!" Wait that voice.. I jolt up and look at the person shocked.

" Logan ?" My shaky voice asks. No it can't be. I must be dreaming.

" Morgan it's me." He places his hands on my cheeks.

" What are you doing here?" I look into his eyes and frown. I'm angry but happy to see him.

" Come on we have to go." He tugs on my arm pulling me up. Wait what if this is some type of trick?

He notices my discomfort and places his hands on my shoulders.

" Trust me." He whispers and I search his face for any clues of a lie.

" Please." He begs. I squeeze my eyes shut then re open them.

" Ok." Then for a moment I let myself forget everything.

Please read !!!!!!!!! Important.


Hey guys thank you so much for reading ! Oh and thank you to everyone who likes and comments. It means so much to me.

Ok so I have news ! Only two or three chapters left !!! Ahhhhhhh I know I'm freaking out !

I'll try to update as soon as possible thanks!!!!!

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