Chapter 18

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~ Morgan ~

I stare at Ms. Hardwick and she looks away shocked herself. How could Taylor be her son? Well she is divorced so that makes a little bit more sense. Wait so is this some type of punishment or something?

" Miss. Morgan.." She pauses looking sick. The hard look disapears for a moment then comes back. Taylor looks down at his lap avoiding my stare. "Have a seat."

I let go of the nob and sit back down curious. I could have just walked out but I need to know what's going on. I flicker my eyes one last time between the both of them before I talk.

" How ?" My voice is soft and gentle. I feel as if I will be sick as well.

" How? Miss. Morgan I believe you have already been tought how the process works." Her icy cold tone replies. She knows what I meant.

" If I may can I ask a few questions?" I ask hopeful that she will say yes.

Ms. Hardwick opens her mouth most likely to say no but Taylor quickly speaks up.

" Mother I believe it would be best if my future wife knows the truth." I cringe at the word wife. Didn't I just say I wouldn't do it?

" Perhaps your right." Her eyes land on me causing me to shrink in my chair. " Ask your questions."

" How come none of us girls knew you had a son?" I aprehensively ask.

" Want me to explain myself Miss. Morgan?" She asks and I nod.

" Please."

" At seventeen I was foolish and thought I understood what love meant. Having two parents who wouldn't spare me a second glance. Love wasn't something I was expierenced with. They couldn't care less if I stayed out all night and never returned.

Me being dumb I feel in love with the first man who called me beautiful and made me feel like I was his princess. I ran away with him and we got married." She pauses and her face hardens even more.

" H.. he slept with me and took away my most precious thing so that he could have somebody to fill in his spot when he retires. He didn't want me. He wanted what I could give him. Then he filed a divorce planted some stuff on me and took my son." She clutches her seat.

" He only cared about the money. You see Miss. Morgan men will only use you then throw you out. Love doesn't exist ! It's something that some sick person planted in our heads to give us false hope." She spits out angrily.

" Ms. Hardwick I understand you got your heart broken. Love is out there though. I have felt it and so have you once before." I say fighting for love. My heart was broken just like hers was. That doesn't mean love doesn't exsist though .

" You know what love is? Really? Your parents left you here. They begged me to take you not because they cared. But becuase they didn't want you. Your friend sold you out to me, becuase her future is more important than you. That lover boy wanted to sell you.Nobody loves you. Get that through your thick skull. " She stands up and leans foward. I choke back a sob and look down. It's true all of it's.. true.

" If love actually is out there you would be last to experience it." She snaps.

" No, it's out there it really is no matter what you say. " I refuse to back down. Ms. Hardwick bites her lip probably angry.

" You know what your right." She sweetly smiles and my gut drops. Nothing good will come out of this.

" You love people deeply Miss. Morgan. You care about anyone and everyone. But my son here too loves someone. Someone who he can't have. If love really exists then you wouldn't hesitate to agree to marry him." She walks around her desk.

" I don't understand. If he loves someone else then why does he want to marry me." I ask extremly confused. Taylor loves somebody and he's stuck with me. He stiffens next to me and I hear his breathing increase.

" How can you have a child with someone who has cancer?" My heart almost stops beating. I look at Taylor and he makes his hand into a fist. I almost start to cry not being able to imagine the pain he is going through.

" Is she going to be ok?" I try to watch my words. Taylor gets up and walks out slamming the door behind him.

" Well is she?" I ask uneasily. I haven't known Taylor for more than a few days but I already care for him.

" Not if she doesn't get the help she needs." I look into her eyes and see a pool of emptiness. A look of sadness mixed in with desperation.

" Why doesn't she?" I ask.

" Has no money." She shrugs. I gap at her wouldn't Taylor help pay? He has plenty of money.

" Mr. Taylor died last year." She says with a hidden smile. Taylors dad died? What does that have to do with anything?

" How does that involve this discussion?" My hands begin to sweat. It's suddenly too hot in here.

" My son isn't in charge of the company yet. My name is second on the list since his father never got around to changing it. I'm in charge of the money." She smirks and leans against her desk.

" You don't want to pay for her to get help." I barely say loud enough.

" No. I will pay as soon as he marries you." I shake my head feeling like I will faint.

" You have to help her ! I can't marry him. Please just help her." I beg.

" You heard my conditions Miss. Morgan. You are released." She says dismissing me.

" Ms. Hardwick." Tears cloud my eyes. How could a woman be so cruel ?

She doesn't look at me and my heart shatters. I know what I must do.. I turn and leave pausing as she clears her throat.

" Everything I did was for the best for you girls." I don't miss the sadness in her voice.

I walk out and drop onto the floor crying. I burry my head in my arms and get lost in my sobbing. Something touches my shoulder and I jump up.

" You ok?" Taylor sits next to me and I take a look at his face. He looks like I do a wreck. He sits next to me and we are silent for a few minutes just listening to our selfs breath.

" Why me?" My voice is hoarse.

" Your like her." He says referring to his mom. I look at him confused and shake my head.

" I look nothing like her." I look away and stare straight ahead.

" I never said that." He calmly speaks.

I look back at him and do something that shocks the both of us.


A/N Please read?

Hey guys guess what? It snowed pretty bad today so I got to go home early! So I put on some pajamas and started to write. Well after having a movie marathon... Anywho I hope everyone liked the chapter!

Please please please vote and comment on my story. I feel like my story is bad, and since nobody is voting or commenting it doesn't help ! But I'm curious where does everyone live? I always wonder who's reading.

So the story is kind of coming to an end! I am excited but nervous at the same time. I don't want to screw it up. Oh and btw Logan does come back into the story later on.. just saying. Thanks!! Oh and sorry for the long chapter !!!!!!!!

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