Chapter 5

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I stare at myself in awe at my reflection. Is that girl really me ? My hair once to my waist now sits right below my bra strap in light brown curls.

Molly then put me in a pair of light blue skinny jeans, a loose white tank top , and a leather jacket. She tried putting me in heels , but after I tripped seven times we stuck with converse . The makeup looks cute on me I guess but I'm not a big fan of it.

" You like ?" Molly asks and I can see her crossing her fingers in the reflection.

" I love it ." I admit while twirling in the mirror.

" Good !" She squeals. " So I already put all of your clothes , shoes, and accessories in a suitcase for you ." She struggles to drag over one of those jumbo suitcases.

" Need help ?" I offer amused at the size of the thing . She really does love to shop.

" No it's fine . Logan's waiting down stairs for you ." She says and I nod. I slowly walk down the stairs nervous about what Logan will think. As I walk into the living room I spot Logan's head and smile. I clear my throat and he turns around.

" What do you think ?" I ask and spin in a circle. Logan has a small grin on his face but he pulls it off with an I don't care face. He stands up and circles around me like an inspector.

" I approve of everything except the make up .. and maybe the push up bra . But besides that your good ." He says and I raise my eyebrows.

" You approve ? And how do you even know that I'm wearing a push up ." I uncomfortably ask.

" Carter your breasts went from here to up here ." He demonstrates on him self and I glare at him but start to laugh.

" Ok no make up ." I say then go into their bathroom to wash it off. I smile when it's completely showing my natural complexion.

" Better ?" I ask him pointing at my face.

" Way ." He clears his throat then takes out something.

" What is that ?" I ask him and take a step closer.

" This ?" He holds up a squared thing with a screen and I nod.

" It's called a phone . Do you not have one ?" He asks and I shake my head. I've seen some people with some while I'm at the store but I don't know what they do.

" This is used to communicate with people." He tells me and I nod.

" Can..can I have one ?" I ask and he laughs.

" Sure Carter I'll get you a phone. You have to promise you will use it though ." He tells me and I respond with another nod.

" So how does the communication thing work ?" I ask and he rolls his eyes.

" Come here ." He sits on the couch and I take a seat next to him. Logan turns on his phone and clicks the screen making it move. He clicks on a green icon and takes me to a thing called a contact.

" So when I want to call someone I go here and click their contact. That's their number right here that you would call ." He says and I nod.

" Ohh is that why a young man asked me for my number one time ? Because he wanted to talk with me ?" I ask Logan and his eyebrows squeeze together.

" No that's because he wanted to date you ." He mutters.

" Oh, well I can't do that I'm going to get married ." I tell him and he laughs.

" How are you going to marry someone if you can't don't date ?" He asks .

"They chose my husband for me ." I sadly say and look down.

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