we met when i was 16.

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we met when i was sixteen and stupid.
we met when i didn't know the difference between love and toxic.
we met when i was so hung up on the idea of a relationship i let you use and abuse me.
we met when i thought the red flags weren't that red; maybe light pink.

we got together when i was seventeen and in love.
we got together when i thought you were the only person who could ever love me.
we got together when all my friends were telling me i deserve better; but i just wanted you.
we got together even when you told me i couldn't wear certain things.

we broke up when i was eighteen and smart.
we broke up when i realised you getting mad at me for voicing my concerns was wrong.
we broke up when you were sleeping with my bestfriend and lying about it.
we broke up when i started loving myself more than i loved you.

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