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Myla's pov-

"So we wil start off with Juliet's set, first, and then we will preform." CC told me.

I nodded.

I am glad that Andy (who had giving me permission to call him Andy instead of addressing him as Andy Biersack) kept his promise and brought me here. For the few days that I had to stay with Ms. Whites, felt like I was in the orphanage all over again. I had a strict bedtime and everything that I did HAD to be perfect. I hated it there and I am sure that Ms.White hated me when I had to stay with her.

She would glare at me, call me child like I am the devil. Which I am not.

"Myla? That's an odd name."

"How are you even in eighth grade if you cant understand this simple math problem?" (the problem was

Sarah babysits three children 40 hours a week and makes $489. At this rate how much money would she earn for babysitting 95 hours? Please round to the nearest hundredth.

She wouldn't even help me.)

"Do you always look like you are going to kill yourself or is it just genetics?"

"Smile for once child, you look like the devil himself."

"I hope Juliet and Andy know what they are getting into by letting you into there worlds."

"Are you sure that they really wanted you?"

I hate Ms.White. She is annoying. I want to tell Andy and Juliet (who has also giving me permission to call her by her by her first name) what Ms.White said to me but I won't. They trust her more than me.

I did tell Jinxx though. He told me not to give one second of my time to what she says because she is old and is probably going to die in the next three years. He also told me that I am perfect. Jinxx is nice.

"So when does her set start?" I asked the drummer who is standing next to me.

CC looks down at me."In about three minutes."

Three more minutes until I can check her phone. Not to be a creep, I just want to know if she knows the lady who called Andy this morning when Juliet was sleeping.I only heard bits and pieces of the conversation but it was - mature.

I should have just woken Juliet up. Of maybe I shouldn't. Maybe she was okay with Andy talking to other women like that.

"Hey Myla , I'm gonna put your bag over by this table okay?" Andy said, I turned around to look where he put my bag an nodded.

The bag was my travel life. It held the journal I put my observations in and I write to Dr. Krimswritter in there. I have my EWRB (every where reading book) which is The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. I have about two pens somewhere in the bag, envelopes and a pocket knife I took from Andy because I am going to take the chip out.

I don't care about what Dr. Krimswritter said. I know much, much more information about the chip than the doctors do. I don't know when I am going to take it out, but I will.

I looked at the stage, I can see part of the crowd. They are a lot of girls. I wish I could be friends with some of them, but I can't. I am locked up backstage.

I went to my bag an dug around for a pen. Once I felt something that felt like a pen I pulled my hand out of the bag. It was a yellow and black pen I took ( stole) from our hotel room.

It's not that bad, it's a pen. Not a bag of money or a dead body, it's a pen. Get over yourself.

I made my way around the crew and went for the bathroom. I have to hurry. The last thing I need is for someone to find out about my procedure.

I opened up the bathroom door and looked at the bottoms of the stalls, trying to find one that is empty. Just my luck, there all fully. Hopefully Juliet isn't in here.

I waited against the pink tile on the bathroom walls, hoping someone would get out soon. Soon enough as an old woman, who might be around Ms. Whites age, came out of the middle stall clutching her red handbag that has a little gold chain hanging off of it.

The grandma is also wearing red headphones. Like the kind farmers wear to cover up the noise from there tractors. I want one.

I smiled at her and went in the stall. I locked the door and sat down on the toilet and rolled my left sleeve up to my elbow. As I did this I heard Juliet's voice boom. "Hey everybody!" The crowed erupted in cheers.

I closed my eyes. Why can't they be quiet?

Juliet giggles, "Are you ready to rock?" Que the crowd being loud.

They need to be quiet. I won't be able to do my operation if they are distracting me.

"I'm glad." Juliet said once the crowd died down.

As Juliet began singing some song the crowd, again, cheers. You paid to hear music, not each other screaming in each other's ears. Gosh.

I made a small X in a '+' format in the middle of my lower left arm. Then I began putting dashes in the '+' to mark where I will cut to get the chip out.

I flushed, so the person in the stalls around me didn't think I was gross, and then went to wash my hands. As I washed my hands a teenage girl came out of the bathroom and gasped.

"Oh my God! You're Myla , Andy's and Juliet's daughter?" The girl had blonde hair with blue in it. Her eye color is brown and she is short.

I nodded. The girl looks to be the same age as me. Do girls my age listen to this kind of music?

"Oh my gosh. Can I have a picture? And maybe an autograph?"

Why is she asking me this? I'm not famous.

"Um, sure?" I said. I don't know how to feel about this. I barely know the girl.

After she got a picture and I signed her phone she gave me a hug, which I forced my self to return one.

"We'll thanks. I got to go. It was nice meeting you!" The girl said moving towards the bathroom door and gave me a wave before she left.

I am glad that I gave her a small smile and a wave back before she left. I don't want people to think I hate there fans. They came here to have a good time so why should I be the one to ruin it?

hey! Here's chapter 8! So I need something to call you guys. Like humming birds, mashed potatoes, thing bs like that. Also BIG BIG thank you to everyone who is reading Play Land! It is currently at 255 reads, 50 votes and 14 comments! Thank you so so much!!
And right now I have chapter 10 and 11 written but I still have to type 12. :/

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