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Myla's pov

I skimmed through the packet. All it was, was information about how a member of the staff of this orphanage will come and check up on us in twenty days and then if every thing goes well they will come back in some amount of time and then it will be official. I know what will happen.

A girl named Janie who got adopted from this orphanage, came back one day to visit. When she was here she told us about all the paper work and all about her new parents.

Janie comes back here once every month. I think that's because she is in love with one of the older boys. I don't know who though.

"Can I have something to write with please?" I asked the staff member, who's name tag read Caren.

The girl blushed,"Oh, I'm so sorry." She exclaimed, looking down to look for a pen.

After a few seconds of looking for something that shouldn't be to hard to fine, the ginger smiled at me her hand stretched out and I took the white pen from her hand.

I flipped to the back of the packet and signed my name, which came out mostly as scribbles, MYLA ROBERTS. I signed my whole name on all the lines that were black.

I don't understand why people sign there initials on documents. What's the difference between your whole name and like three letters? Three letters can be anyone. But your name is who you are. Your name is you.

I put the packet on the counter, the pen on top.

"You may go now!"

Caren must hate her job. All she does is stand there and say the same things over and over again with a fake smile. Mae had that job, until she was promoted. I am pretty sure that Mae hated her old job.

I smiled at Juliet Simms. She smiled back. I hate the color that is on her lips.


"So, can I ask you about your life with your parents?" Juliet Simms asked me, not taking her eyes off the road that is ahead of us.

I looked out the window. Talking about my parents always bothers me. Because when you do, people ask you questions about there choices. Only Asha and Kurt knows about my parents.

"Um, my dad left me and my mom when I was nine. He didn't take anything with him though. I think he worked for a printing press." I began.

"Do you know anything more about him?" Juliet asked not giving me a chance to move on.

I shrugged. "My dad was a sad man. I walked in on him trying to kill himself about two times. He acted happy though. He always told me story's about how people end up leaving there dreams."

My dad is my favorite parent. He would always surprise me at school with Wendy's sometimes. Every weekend we would go to the candy shop and buy a big bag of suckers and then go walk around downtown. Or we would go, down to the shop that sells records and vinyls, and he would pull out one and tell me a little about them.

I learned a lot from that shop. Mostly about the old music. He never showed me Mötley Crüe though.

But the best weekends would be the weekends he took me to the small comic book store. I would pick one or two comics and he would buy them and then we would go home, build a fort, and read the comics under the fort.

"What about your mom?" Juliet Simms asked.

"She was okay. She worked at a coffee shop near our house. She had a boyfriend named Josh that always ate up most of our food and money. Mom kicked him out when I was nine."

"So she was cheating on your dad?"

I shook my head no. "My dad left us a couple of days after I turned nine. A week later she found Josh. They only lasted a week."

"Okay... So what happened to your mom then?" Juliet Simms asked me, this time actually turning around for a split second to look at me.

"She got shot."

"By who?"

I shrugged. I don't know the men or women who killed her. I don't want to know.

When they left I was surprised that they didn't hurt me, only my mom.

For a while I thought it was Josh and his friends getting revenge on my mom for kicking him out, that would explain why they never hurt me because Josh adored me, but the group of people who broke in were skinny. Josh is fat.


"Andy!" Juliet Simms shouted, which made me mentally cringe by how loud her voice is, once we walked in to her house and I closed the door behind us.

Andy must be her boyfriend, she lives with. Or hopefully this Andy will turn out to be her brother or father that is spending the night here.

"SHE's HERE!" A deep male voice shouted from somewhere in Juliet Simms's home.

Are they always so loud?

The unknown voice is quickly followed by loud footsteps. And moments later the footsteps are in the same room as me and Juliet Simms.

I looked at the man who must be Andy. He is tall, but not as tall as my dad. The stranger has dark hair, I don't like his hair cut though. Just like Juliet Simms, he has a lip ring and a ring in in his nose. Unlike Juliet Simms, his piercings suit him.

Andy is wearing a ripped batman shirt. One of his arms is covered in tattoos, and the other one doesn't have so many. He is wearing ripped black jeans and Batman socks.

I don't like Batman. I prefer Spider-Man.

This man reminds me of my father in a way. My dad gauged his right ear, is not big but once my dad told me that when I was four years old, I would stick some of my fingers through the hole in his ear. My dad doesn't have any facial piercings (except the gauges) but he does have some tattoos. But not as mush as this man. At least my dad never had this mans hair cut.

guess where I am all day? At a wrestling tournament for my brother! Yay! *sarcasm*
I'm writing as fast as I can and currently am writing part nine LOL.
So how are you guys?

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