-Chapter 3⊰

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Sunday passed by and Katara felt it was just a repeat of Saturday. She got up and got ready with Kyung and Chae as Lady Biyu told her the days schedule at her, ate breakfast without choking someone, had her ostrich horse lesson with Aang, mishap free, went over more etiquette with Lady Biyu, skipped lunch, had another tense tea session with Iroh and Zuko, which as a fact Zuko told her he hated Fire Flakes and she told him that she loved them, went to her studies with Lady Biyu, skipped dinner and completely bypassed dancing.

Katara sat at in one of the large couches in the sitting room reading a book as Zuko marched in.

"Could you at least give me a heads up when you are not going to show? Completely-"

"Shh," Katara said, her eyes not leaving the page "this is the best part."

Zuko sighed in agitation as he grabbed the book from Katara. "Hey!" she said as she tried to reach for it.

"We need to talk," Zuko said as he held the book out of Katara's reach.

"Alright I got it, I won't stand you up without giving you a notice, now will you please give me the book?"

"That's not what I want to talk about Katara," Zuko said as he closed the book and threw it out of the balcony doors.

Katara watched with her mouth agape as the book flew over the stone balcony rail "I was reading that!"

Zuko shrugged "Well you can finish reading it tomorrow; right now we need to talk"

"About what?" Katara asked as she put her hands on her hips.

Zuko sat on the couch "Us."

Katara sat on the couch across from him "What about us?"

Zuko looked at her "I was reamed out by uncle for being rude to you, he said it was a man's responsibility to make his bride feel welcomed and comfortable, so I want to -" he paused; Katara noticed he seemed to be struggling with what he wanted to say. "Uncle said that we needed to start getting along in order for this situation to work," Zuko said "so I wanted to formally apologize, for being an, what did he say?" he mumbled as he scratched the back of his head "Oh, an unmitigated ass."

That was not was Katara was expecting to come out of his mouth and the look on her face told him so "Aren't you going to say something?" he asked suddenly nervous,

Katara shook her shock off and gave him a small smile "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have been so rude to you either."

They stared at each other, neither of them knowing what else to say.

Katara looked into Zuko's eyes suddenly feeling sad "What happened to us?"

"We just wanted to live different lives," Zuko said not breaking eye contact.

Katara suddenly remembered all the nights they spent together talking and laughing, sharing secrets that they didn't have the courage to tell their significant others, giving each other advice.

Zuko cleared his throat as he looked away "Right, well then I'll see you tomorrow for the announcement," he said and walked into his room, closing the door quickly.

Katara's heart dropped, it was going to be Monday already?


-𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙖𝙩𝙚⊰  Where stories live. Discover now