-Chapter 8⊰

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Zuko took an inhale of the fresh Fire Nation air "It's good to be home, isn't it?" he asked Katara as she hopped out of the carriage. Katara nodded and took the wrapped boxes from the coachman.

"I can't wait to shave this thing off." Zuko said as he rubbed his beard "I hate facial hair, but at least I won."

Katara slightly laughed and made her way into the palace smiling at everyone but not saying a word.

Zuko frowned; she had been quiet and reclusive ever since they left the South Pole. "Is something wrong?" He asked as he followed her inside.

"No, why would you think that?" Katara asked as she steadied the boxes in her hands.

"You've been rather quiet." He said as he took some of the boxes from her.

"Have I?" Katara said as they walked through their sitting room door "I haven't noticed."

They were met with squeals of excitement and Zuko saw a smile come to Katara's face as she placed the gifts down on the circular foyer table.

"We missed you Crown Princess!" Kyung said and Katara brought her ladies maids into a group hug as they all squealed.

"I missed you guys too!" Katara said and pulled away, "I brought presents!"

Zuko watched in mild amusement as the three women brought the boxes into Katara's room, giggling and talking excitedly.

"This pelt is gorgeous your highness." Kyung said as she wrapped her pelt around her.

"Yeah, and these whale tooth earrings too! I've never seen such a fine quality of craftsmanship." Chae said as she sat at the vanity looking in the mirror.

Katara smiled "I'm glad you guys like them."

"We love them!" Kyung said as she danced around with her pelt.

Katara smiled as she sat on her bed, watching her ladies maids giggle over their new gifts.

"I'll be in the library if you need me." Katara heard Zuko say to Officer Choi as the sitting room doors slammed shut. Katara's heart dropped even more 'So much for his promise.' She thought.

Katara stood up "I'm going to go for a walk in the gardens."

"Yes your highness." Chae said as she and Kyung bowed.

"And please tell anyone that asks for me that I don't want to be found."

"Of course Crown Princess." Kyung said as they bowed again "Thank you for the gifts."

Katara smiled at them "You're most welcome." She watched as her ladies maids giggled to each other over their new gifts as they walked out of the room. But when the door closed shut, Katara let the smile drop. Walking over to an unpacked bag, she took out a small rectangular case and opened it, revealing her mother's necklace.

Clutching it tightly in her hand, Katara walked out of her room and towards the gardens, letting the familiar comfort ease her sadness.


"You smell like the ocean." Mai said as they leaned against the windows in their usual spot.

-𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙖𝙩𝙚⊰  Where stories live. Discover now