-Chapter 23༉

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Katara watched from the large porch as Sokka pulled Toph and Kai on a sled, the Fire Prince sitting snuggly in the earthbender's lap, laughing excitedly each time his uncle pulled them faster. The waterbender was sure this was the first time her son ever enjoyed the snow.

"Okay Kai," Sokka said as he neared a hill. "Are you and Auntie Toph ready to go down a hill?"

"Sokka, are you sure this is safe with Kai on here?" Toph asked as Sokka climbed onto the large sled and sat behind Toph.

"Don't worry, Toph," Sokka said. "My dad use to do this with me and Katara all the time. Ready? Here we go!"

The trio went sledding down the small hill and Katara couldn't help but smile as Kai laughed hysterically.

"Good to know that after being here for almost three weeks Kai finally enjoys the snow," she heard Zuko say from behind her as he placed his hands on her hips.

"For now," Katara said as she watched Sokka brush some snow off of Kai as the baby looked at his uncle and aunt. "It's only a matter of time before he becomes too cold for his liking and throws a fit."

Just as the word's left her mouth, Kai began to cry. Zuko began to walk towards his squalling son, but Katara stopped him and nudged her chin towards Toph.

Zuko saw Toph stand and lift the little boy out of the snow. "Come on, Kai," Toph said as soothingly as she could. "Don't cry we were having so much fun."

Kai's cry's softened as he snuggled into the earthbender's warmth.

Sokka stood next to them and wrapped his arm around Toph. "See," Zuko and Katara heard Sokka say to Toph. "Babies aren't so bad."

They saw Toph look down at the little prince and shrugged.

"Sokka wants to start a family," Katara said as she saw Zuko's questioning look. "But Toph says she doesn't want kids."

"Isn't it kind of necessary for them to have a baby? You know, to carry on the family title? "

"If Sokka doesn't have a child to carry on the title, it's not the end of the world. Not like it would be in the Fire Nation," Katara said. "The Southern Water Tribe is actually a settlement of the Northern Water Tribe and that the Chief title my dad holds is more of an informal title of respect given to him by the elder council which is made entirely up of Northern Tribesman. He's like the stand in for the Northern chief seeing as he can't be here and in the North. So my dad makes the decisions for him with the council's approval."

Zuko looked at her in surprise. "I...didn't know that."

"Not many people do," Katara said with a shrug.

"So if Sokka didn't have children would the title go to you or our children after he passes or will the elder council pick someone else?"

"It depends," Katara said. "Even though they try to keep the respective chief title in one family, I highly doubt that they would give it to me or our kids."

Zuko's face scrunched. "Why?"

"Although the tribe's relationship with the Fire Nation is friendly, they wouldn't be too keen on the fact that their Chieftess' husband and her children's father is the Fire Lord. The old coots would be paranoid that you would manipulate me or the kids to allow a silent take over."

-𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙖𝙩𝙚⊰  Where stories live. Discover now