-Chapter 4⊰

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Zuko watched as the sun slowly made its way from behind the mountains, making the sky go from a darkish purple to an orange. He loved dawn, it was the only time of day that he had truly to himself. No one was up to bother him, nothing needed his attention it was just solely him. So when he heard the deep groan of Appa followed by Aang's quiet whispers in the garden, Zuko was inclined to check it out.

"A bit early to be leaving isn't?" he asked as he leaned against a pillar with his arms crossed "The others haven't even risen."

Aang sighed before turning around "I wanted to leave before they got up."

Zuko lifted an eyebrow "Why?"

"It's…easier this way."

Zuko knew Aang was leaving this early so he didn't have to see Katara. Apparently from what Sokka told him, Aang had said his goodbye to Katara last night, which led them both into complete devastation. He noticed Aang's eyes did look a little puffy.

"You don't have to leave Aang," Zuko said as he stood straight "the Earth Kingdom riots will settle themselves and Katara-".

"Needs to get over me," Aang said harshly, shocking the Fire Lord "and I need to get over her," he whispered before straightening his shoulders and looking Zuko.

Zuko suddenly felt guilty 'Was this what Katara felt like yesterday when she thought she was coming between me and Mai?'

"Aang," Zuko said "I'm sorry, I didn't know this would -" Aang held his hand up and Zuko noticed he was trying to hold back his emotions.

"This is what needs to be done in order for the world to be at peace. Mine and Katara's emotional attachment to each other will soon fade and we will see each other as nothing more than best friends."

Zuko sighed, the guilt still lingering made him scowl in anger 'She agreed to this too! It's not my fault they can't be together.'

Aang placed a hand on Zuko's shoulder bringing Zuko out of his reverie "I know the stress of rebuilding this nation is making you bitter, but don't revert back to the prince you were. You have Katara now, share the burden, trust me she won't mind, she constantly looks for people's burdens."

"Why?" Zuko asked with distaste.

Aang shrugged "It's kind of her thing," he said as he dropped his hand.

'Maybe being with Katara won't be such a bad thing. I mean, she can be nice. What's the harm and getting to know her? She used to be a good friend, maybe we can become friends again.'

"Aang," Zuko said as he looked up at him "tell me…Tell me something about Katara."

Aang raised his eyebrows "What do you want to know?"


Aang looked down a smile coming to his face "She's a lot like Sokka, more than she likes to admit. She says she hates cuddling, but she's lying. Spicy noodles are one of her secret favorite dishes and she loves to dance."

Aang looked at him after a few moments of silence "Make this work Zuko or I'm going to come back and kick your ass for making all of us go through this."

-𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙖𝙩𝙚⊰  Where stories live. Discover now