-Chapter 11⊰

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Zuko rested his cheek on his fist as he listened to his councilmen argue about something useless. He sighed and watched as two councilors stood and pointed at each other yelling profanities. Zuko shifted his gaze to Officer Kahn, who looked just as bored as he did. He met Zuko's gaze and rolled his eyes at the council, Zuko nodding in agreement. Really, couldn't they all get along? He just wanted this council meeting to be over so he could go have lunch with Katara and maybe a nap that involved snuggling with said person.

The large red doors opened, stopping the arguments for a moment as a messenger walked in and handed Officer Kahn a letter.

"Dear Fire Lord Zuko," Officer Kahn read out loud "The Ba Sing Se Trading Company has come to a unanimous decision regarding your request on opening a new trading route between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom."

Zuko heard all of the councilmen intake air; he himself was holding his breath, before he saw a smile come to Officer Kahn's face as he read more of the letter "We are pleased to inform you that your requested has been permitted."

The council erupted into cheers and sighs of relief. "It's about time those bastards did something right," a councilor said.

Officer Kahn gave the councilor a look before continuing "Please send notice at your earliest convenience regarding when a meeting between you and one of our mediators can take place. Thank you for your interest in trading, we greatly look forward to working with you. Sincerely, The Ba Sing Se Trading Company. P.S. Congratulations on your pregnancy."

Zuko smiled as his councilmen started to chatter with excitement at the prospect of their nation finally getting out of its rut.

He didn't hear the doors open again or Officer Kahn get up from his seat as he smiled and politely talked to the counselors around him about what they would offer to trade when the Ba Sing Se trading mediator visited. "Fire Lord," Officer Fujon said amongst the noise, catching his attention. Zuko looked at him and followed the advisors pointed finger to Officer Kahn, who was talking to a distraught look Chae.

Officer Kahn looked at him, sorrow written on his face making Zuko's heart drop.


Standing, Zuko quickly walked over to Chae worry written on his face "What is it?"

"The Lady," she began but she shook her head as tears fell down her face. Zuko pushed passed Officer Kahn and Chae as he ran out of the door, dread filling him.

Zuko's heart pounded in his ears as he burst through the sitting room doors, startling Iroh who was sitting in a chair near Katara's closed bedroom door. Iroh stood and Zuko walked towards him.


"Uncle, what's going on?" He asked as his heart continued to pound.

"Katara had fainted," Iroh said.

Zuko's eyes went wide "Is she alright? Is the baby alright?"

Iroh shook his head "I don't know, the healer is in there with her now."

As the words left his mouth, the bedroom door opened and the doctor stepped out, Zuko instantly spotted the red blood on the healer's white coat.

The healer looked at him with sadness "I'm sorry Fire Lord," he said gently "the Lady has miscarried."

All breath left Zuko's body as sadness and remorse filled him. "I…How?"

-𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙖𝙩𝙚⊰  Where stories live. Discover now