-Chapter 15⊰

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"Must you always eat?" Sokka asked with a scrunched face as he watched Katara scarf down left over food in the kitchen. "You're giving me a run for my money."

"What do you expect, Sokka?" Katara said after she swallowed. "I'm five months pregnant."

"That doesn't excuse the fact that you just woofed down half a roasted picken and almost two cups of rice. If you keep eating this way you're going to still be as big as war ship after you give birth."

"Are you insinuating that I'm fat?" Katara asked her brother with a huff.

"I'm not insinuating," Sokka said as he leaned back and crossed his arms, "I'm pointing out."

Katara glared at him as she felt angry tears prick her eyes, "I'll have you know you half-witted moo-sow," she said in a deadly voice as she stood, "that I am no wear near being 'fat.' As you can tell, my body is currently forming another little body and thus requires me to eat more. If you want to see fat, look in the mirror!" The angry tears fell down her cheek as she began to walk away.

"Katara!" Sokka called after her. "Come on, don't cry."

Katara paused in the door way and flung her wrist back, sending the water in the mop bucket towards Sokka, pinning him to the wall.

His squeal of fright made her smile as she stormed out of the kitchen, vaguely hearing Sokka asking a cook if he could kindly unpin him from the wall.


If someone were to tell Zuko a year ago that he just celebrated his one year anniversary with Katara and that she was carrying his child, he would've laughed in their face. But here he was, a week after their first anniversary with a baby on the way.

He smiled, only another four months and they would have a little baby. Katara told him earlier this morning that she thinks they're going to have another girl. "I'm carrying high," she had said as she examined herself naked in the mirror. "The myth the women of my tribe tell is that if you're carrying high it's going to be a girl, if you're carrying low it's going to be a boy," she explained after he asked her what she was talking about.

"I wouldn't mind a little girl," Zuko had said making Katara smile.

He really wouldn't mind a little girl. He actually kind of hoped they were having a girl, though he wouldn't love a son any less. It was just that he could imagine having a sweet and gentle little girl with Katara's looks and his eyes clinging to him when she was scared or giving him the same adorable pout Katara gives to him to make him do something for her.

Besides, Zuko thought it was high time for a woman, who was mentally stable and in control of herself, to become Fire Lord.

But if they have a son, then they have a son, and he would love him with everything Zuko had. He vowed to himself and Katara that he will never do what his father did to him and favor one child over the other. Even if one was a prodigy and the other wasn't, he will love all of his children and try to be the best father possible.

And there was no doubt in his mind that Katara will be the best mother. He had seen her maternal side during the war and more recently when she was with the children from the orphanage. She was the epitome of maternal love and affection.

As he lifted his eyes from the ground, he saw the object of his thoughts angrily stomping down the hall, wiping her eyes.

'Oh no,' he thought, 'it's one of those days.'

-𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙖𝙩𝙚⊰  Where stories live. Discover now