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11 years out of my life
Besides the kids, I have nothing to show
Wasted my years, a fool of a wife
I should have left your ass long time ago


Eleven years ago we said I do...don't you remember? My father walked me down the aisle, and you were balling your eyes out before I was even in front of you. You smiled the biggest, and continued to remind me of how beautiful I looked.

Was that all an act?

Did you do it because my parents and our friends were there? Or because you Genuinely wanted to married me....she wasn't even in the picture back maybe you did it because you wanted too.

I remember you telling me how much you wanted to start a family with me...I was at first very scared because I'd never taken care of a child, let alone have one of my own....but I did it for you...because you were ready. No matter how I felt, in the end I felt loved because you were by my side every step of the way.

So what changed Seungcheol?

We're you disguising to be a family man at home, and a whore at work? The working late, and leaving me alone with two kids...the going out to party whenever because you needed a break?

You never asked me if I needed a break? Why was that? Did you not care? Or did you meet her that night at Soonyoung's night club.

I don't know....but whatever it was, I wish it didn't happen...but then again if it didn't I wouldn't be seeing the real you.

I should have left when you cheated the first time.

I cried, screamed, shouted...and questioned why? Eleven years and your fed up with me? What kept you here so long? Maybe it was the kids....or the fact that I kept sleeping with you.

We're you not pleased with me anymore?

I cried at that thought too...because for it to be true that would be the biggest slap in my face...and yes it did hurt.

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